Is Ante Rebic from Eintracht Frankfurt really one for big clubs? An analysis – Bundesliga season 2017/18


The reception in his hometown Imotski was breathtaking. And exhausting. Before world vice runner Ante Rebic (24 years old) went to bed, he thanked Croatia. "1965" Imotski, you are everything that makes me feel. A long time ago, you gave me a small playground and all that matters. I realize that I have never left because I have your teachings in the blood. "

The Little Boy of the Dalmatian Province Now the World of Football is Open to Him

Almost Every Day, New Rumors about the Consolation of the Cup Winners: Rebic to Tottenham? Arsenal Goes Rebic! Rebic to Manchester United, Napoli wants Rebic Bayern's Kovac attracts their Rebic! Increasingly high sums of money: 30 million, 50, 90 in a double package with Croatian star Perisic …

Eintracht we are waiting for offers soon But: Is Rebic really an attacker for the best clubs?

His Bundesliga record: 49 missions, 8 goals, 5 badists Before that, in four years as Loaner, he flew seven times between Florence, Leipzig, Verona and Frankfurt.Just last season, he made the breakthrough.

Other forwards have better chances. Also at the Cup Rebic have met only once, so he's aiming well. the left, it is little.

His team mate Jetro Willems says about how to play Croatia at the World Cup: "They were not the best football team.But they played hard and with the mentality of winning – which is the most important thing. "

The same applies to Rebic: Attack, like a bull. Tireless attack. Fast and powerful. But often too impetuous – that's why frequent mistakes. And negligent on the defensive.

Rebic needs an adoptive father, Kovac. As a footballer, he's not as versed as Hazard from Chelsea or Bruyne from Manchester City.

Rebic will receive offers. But what would happen if it was a middle clbad club that offered him as much pay as he had to accept – but maybe only offered 25 million transfer fees?

Then Eintracht would begin to think …


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