Is Kevin Trapp coming back now?


By Peppi Schmitt

GAIS – Two weeks ago, Frederik Rönnow began training at the Frankfurt Eintracht. But on the ground, the new guardian only held a few minutes until here. He was injured during the first test session. He made a "misstep", said the 25 – year – old Danish international, since then he is suffering, the right knee joint is irritated. The injury does not allow any specific goalkeeper training, let alone team training. Ronnow sits on the bike, does stretching exercises and is physiotherapeutic. Currently, he is closer to participating in the Tour de France than a Bundesliga match. "Of course, this is not the best start," he admits, "but it does not matter." He would like to train regularly this week, but the player and the medical department do not want not rush things. From day to day, the complaints would be reduced, he says, "I hope to be able to hold a few balls soon".

Still no concrete efforts

    The fact that Adi Hütter has different ideas about training like his predecessor Niko Kovac does not. is no longer a secret. The new coach of the Frankfurt Eintracht attaches special importance to football, the ball should be as often as possible in the center. The training camp at Gais no longer has a yoga teacher. The nutritionist's contract was not renewed. The daily weight loss of blood to determine the so-called CK value is just as much a thing of the past as the responsible fitness coach Klaus Luisser. Team-building activities such as rafting, climbing or similar, years ago still an absolute must, are no longer on the training plan. "We are here for football," explains Hütter, who does not completely reject other approaches, but does not favor them.

    Instead of yoga, Werner Leuthard (58), new trainer, returns to the good old method. the "grinding" resorted to. Leuthard, who worked in the background in Felix Magath's great sports successes in Munich and Wolfsburg, is, if Hütter "as a fixture" in his field, injury prevention is his "horse-runner". During his first public appearance on Monday, Eintracht professionals had to first get used to a different tone. He continued as in the courtyard of the barracks, noisy and jagged. Leuthard's instructions were unequivocal, whether in German or English. How will the players tolerate the new sprinting exercises for them, the future will show.

Coach Adi Hütter wants "not to worry at the moment", but played in the back of the horror scenario of a long-standing failure. "I hope we'll be back in shape soon with Frederik," he said, "otherwise we have to worry." According to this newspaper, there are already games of reflection in the sporting direction and an old acquaintance. Kevin Trapp, who moved to Paris Saint-Germain three years ago but did not become too happy and ended up on the bench, should be an option for a loan. Trapp was only the number two in Paris last season behind the French international Alphonse Areola. And now, the French have made a goalie legend with Gigi Buffon. Trapp (28) would even face a place in the stands.

There is still no concrete effort, because they all hope that Rönnow will be in shape in time. Best for the Supercup on August 12 against FC Bayern Munich. Ronnow himself does not want to stress. He played his last game at the end of May, when he only competed in the World Cup on the Danes' side. "That's why I have to get into the rhythm first," he says. For a good week of training is a prerequisite. In turn, he should first return to the training field. Felix Wiedwald will play the test matches in training camp Wednesday against Empoli and Saturday against Ferrara.

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