July 27 is the longest lunar eclipse of the century


In July, the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century is lit. But it is not everything: Mars is extremely close to the Earth.

Berlin. It's a heavenly sight that happens rarely: a total lunar eclipse that lasts more than an hour and a half, and the planet's planet Mars is as close to Earth as it is rare. When the weather is nice, you can expect a special show: the so-called moon of blood. On July 27, the hour came. But in turn.

At 20:24 the moon enters the shadow of the earth, then the earth is between the moon and the sun. The shadow of the earth wanders through the moon, first the shadow only covers the edge, later all the moon is in the shade – so there is a lunar eclipse total.

From 21.30 to 23.14 the moon remains completely in the shadow of the earth there is a total lunar eclipse for one hour and 44 minutes. This duration of the lunar eclipse will only be exceeded by two minutes on June 9, 2123.

The Blood Moon shines a dark red

In the phase of 39 total darkness, the moon appears weakly dark red. all the sunlight is in the shelter of the earth. Experts speak of a long-wave light that bends around the earth and makes the moon appear in dark red. Therefore, this phenomenon is also called the blood moon.

With the release of the moon from the shadow of the earth at 0:19, the visible part of the dark ends. The full moon does not begin until July 27 at in Germany after the beginning of the lunar eclipse. In Berlin for example, the rising of the moon takes place at 20.58, at Hamburg at 21.17, at Cologne at 21.18 and at Munich at 20.57 Clock

Mars is very close to the Earth

And then there is the question of Mars. A little to the south of the eclipsed full moon, Mars will shine in a reddish light and face the sun at the same time. Astronomers speak in this case of opposition. Because Mars is so far south, the atmosphere of the Earth provides an extra red color – just as the Sun and Moon appear reddish at the beginning and at sunset.

Mars is farther from the Sun than the Earth. Unlike these, he does not need it in his train, but almost two years to go around the sun. The distance from Mars to the Sun varies considerably: at its furthest point, it is about 250 million kilometers, on the other side of the sun more than 200 million kilometers

only when Mars is near from the Sun and pbades on the inner orbit. He is particularly bright in the sky and relatively tall. On average, however, this particular constellation occurs only every 15 years, most recently in 2003. On July 27, March is only about 58 million kilometers from the Earth.

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Mars is particularly close to the Earth

dpa, WB / ] 23.07.18

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