Klinsmann: "VfB has no time to lose" – Bundesliga


A former national coach talks about different things

79 goals in 156 league games – Jürgen Klinsmann has undoubtedly left his mark in Stuttgart. Meanwhile, the former coach lives in the United States, but he continues to follow VfB with interest. Now he gave an interesting interview in which he discusses the situation in Stuttgart. He also talked about Michael Reschke 's criticism, his personal future and a bit of Bayern.

Jürgen Klinsmann

He is attracted by the return to football: Jürgen Klinsmann.

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As said the "Stuttgarter Zeitung", 54 years old, the decisions at the level of the badociation's policy are good. "With the spin-off, the way forward was one of continuity and progress," said Klinsmann, adding that VfB "had the prerequisites" to get closer to its goal of "playing as quickly as possible on the international scene". The current VfB is very far from Europe.

With just five points after eight match days, the Swabians are ranked 17th – the battle for relegation instead of Europe is therefore the reality. "Sportsman, a false start has arrived," said Klinsmann, who also badessed the potential of Stuttgart. "The team seems good enough to play in the top eight." It does not help at the moment because VfB desperately needs points. "Because if you hang out longer, it will be a pure fight for survival and VfB will no longer have the time to lose."

He also has his own opinion in the case of Michael Reschke and the criticism of his approach to the dismissal of Tayfun Korkut. "If you do exactly the opposite of what you said the day before, you have to face this criticism – or excuse yourself for it," said the 1990 world champion, but also showed understanding: "He is often difficult to play after, to position yourself clearly. "

The return to football is bady

Klinsmann also has clear positions regarding his personal career planning. Before the World Cup, he said he received offers from nations in Russia. "But that was not what I wanted because none of these teams would have offered the prospect of the quarterfinals."

In itself, a return to football would tempt him. "I can imagine a coaching job, but also a sports director activity that works strategically in a club or federation and draws a broader picture," he revealed without excluding the return to Germany : "I am for Everything is open and I can also imagine a return to Europe or Germany." Family, he was no longer related to the United States, as his daughter says "next summer to l & # 39; university. " However, Klinsmann will not accept any offers because he has clear ideas. "The decisive factor is that in a club you have good relationships, shared values ​​and goals, that your sporting appeal and your identity are right."

Bayern? "I prefer to stay out of this"

For Bayern, he covered himself, because it is such that "if I would like to say something about Bayern, whatever his direction, there would be a good echo, because I prefer to stay away I have the utmost respect for Bayern and I am always grateful to have been allowed to coach there, even though there have been many problems because I had ideas very different from those of management and I also had to swallow a lot, but no one can live this experience. "


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