Krämer, KFC coach, on Großkreutz's offer: "I could not believe it at first"


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Kevin Großkreutz (29, photo) caused a surprise with his transfer from SV Darmstadt 98 to third division KFC Uerdingen 05 – apparently also with his future coach Stefan Krämer.

"Auf der offensive left side we had planned with Maurice Litka (loan St. Pauli, died in red) .It tore his shoulder in the but all the bands, at least three months fails." why we looked around us, "said the instructor at" Bild ". "When the name Großkreutz fell, I could not believe it at first." Großkreutz, who was still a World Cup team for the German national team in 2014, signed a contract in Uerdingen until the end of the year. 2021. The former Bundesliga professional Borussia Dortmund and VfB Stuttgart finished his campaign last season 27 games in league two, scoring three goals.His future at "Lilies" in Darmstadt was considered uncertain. [2021] 19659004] Community
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The coach of KFC Krämer said: "Kevin joined us on Thursday night, we chatted for an hour while eating.The boy is very motivated and warm, sees the whole as a great opportunity. […] We have Kevin because you need guys in the 3rd Division, otherwise you are eaten, and Kevin is just the guy you need to bring some mentality to the field. "

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