LCD instead of OLED: Is the iPhone XR screen much worse?



On the left the iPhone XS Max, right on the iPhone XR.

On the left the iPhone XS Max, right on the iPhone XR.(Photo: kwe)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

By Klaus Wedekind

The iPhone XR is relatively inexpensive because it has an LCD screen instead of an OLED display. What exactly are the differences and the weakest screen is perhaps even a reason to spend a lot more money on an iPhone XS?

The iPhone XR is sold from 850 euros, much cheaper than iPhone XS, which is not the case for 1150 euros. In addition, Apple offers in this model a variant with a memory of 128 gigabytes (GB) for 910 euros, it simply omitted in the most expensive devices. Here, buyers must seize the same thing for the 256 GB version, which costs at least 1320 euros, or 410 euros more.

Buyers of an iPhone XR do not have to accept big drawbacks. Besides the missing telephoto camera, the biggest difference is the screen. Apple equips the cheaper device with an LCD that is not as efficient as the OLED displays of the XS models. The question is, if it's so much worse, it's better to use one of two expensive iPhones.

Not a big difference for the eyes

On paper alone, the difference in pixel density is severe. While the 5.8 and 6.5-inch XS models have a very high resolution of 458 pixels per inch (dpi), the 6.1-inch LCD offers only 326 dpi. But if you hang an XR next to an XS, you hardly see any difference. Individual pixels, frayed fonts or the like can not be recognized. OLEDs offer slightly stronger contrasts and are a little sharper, but the LCD is not much worse.

Surprisingly, the lower display is as true to the color as the OLEDs, it can shine very brightly and remain legible on the side, without darkening or darkening colors. The most important differences lie in watching an HDR photo on the devices. Then you can see in the very bright and very dark areas where the limits of the LCD are relatively clear.

Wider margin, missing 3D key

In addition, the edge around the LCD is slightly wider than that of the OLED. But even here, the difference is not so great that you want to spend a few hundred more euros. It's even amazing how Apple had the LCD frame. Since this technology uses backlighting as opposed to the self-luminous pixels of an OLED display, LCDs usually require more space. Most devices with such screens have a large black area underneath, while the iPhone XR has no chin.

More on this topic

However, Apple has also renounced 3D Touch, a feature offered by Apple with the iPhone 6s introduced. If you usually have quick access to features or previews by pressing a symbol, you will miss 3D Touch on the XR. Only in the control center opened by a longer pressure menu – no more firm. On the home screen, the emergency solution probably does not work because you normally enable the delete function in iOS. The problem can be solved. With Android devices, you open a longer print, such as a menu where you can also delete an application, among other things.

Longer term

If you have not used 3D before, you will not miss it. Perhaps most importantly, the low-resolution LCD screen consumes less power. According to Apple, the XR will last up to 1.5 hours longer than the iPhone 8 Plus, for example up to 16 hours of video playback. This leaves behind the XS models, which reach only 14 or 15 hours.

The actual quality of the iPhone XR and its possible economic replacement of the XS duo by an extremely high cost will only show a detailed test. But you can already say that the LCD is probably not a valid reason to spend 1150 euros or even more for an iPhone with OLED screen. Although the XR screen does not have the same quality, it is so good that most users will be completely satisfied.


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