Lukas Podolski takes revenge after the World Cup on the Brazilian television channel Fox Sports Brazil


Cologne –

Who digs a pit for others …

After the German World Cup, a Brazilian television channel did not hold back with mockery on the world champion. On Twitter posted "Fox Sports Brasil" a volley of salmon laaaaaaange towards the DFB team. Now here is the receipt

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And this comes from a world champion. Lukas Podolski (33 years old) has a sweet revenge after the quarterfinals of the Brazilians against Belgium (1: 2). He countered the Brazilian tweet with a thoughtful smiley. "Who laughs last …", is probably called …

The mockery returns to the Brazilians

Many football fans simply copied the "Auslach Tweet" from the channel to their account Twitter.

Even Bayer Leverkusen did not retain his joy. The working group responded with words: "It's a bittersweet symphony, this life."

May the Brazilian or the World Champion be the most beautiful joy.


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