M & M: Become a Marvel Hero or Mario Kart


In our new series "No VRpbaden!" Let's take a look at current events around virtual reality. Whether high-end VR via Vive and Rift or Oculus Go: Here you will find your weekly news flash!

Marvel: United Powers VR: Being a Hero Once

Next week, it's time for the Oculus Rift to release the Marvel superhero game: Powers United VR. And that has it all: In this multiplayer cooperative shooter, you slip into the skin of a superhero – 18 (!) Are available to choose from. According to the chosen hero, the game changes of course: Hulk is bigger and can do something other than for example Rocket Racoon. Marvel's expectations: Powers United VR are huge. Oculus even announced his own Rift bundle with the game in his luggage. It starts on July 26th. Becoming a superhero costs you 39.99 euros.

Mario Kart VR: Clbadic Arcade for VR Arcade

Computer games like Mario Kart have always stimulated your imagination. How about being in the middle of the circuit? This is possible in a Japanese arcade center. Thanks to a Vive, a real kart and a Vive Tracker you drive through Mario's magical landscape, as in multiplayer mode. You have to go to a VR Arcade Cafe to play Mario Kart VR. Now we have opened in London. Richard Lai from Engadget China has already tested Mario Kart in VR. Check it out here:

Beat Saber: Update brings hidden track

Beat Saber is the VR game of the hour and now has a larger update given. Most of the changes take place behind the scenes. After all, there is a new track that should bring Beat Saber's experts to the brink of despair. 6 minutes, about 1,200 notes to cut (on Expert) and 166 bpm offer endless saber-throwing pleasure. And it's not hard to unlock the track:

Racket: NX: Finally Cultivated

Racket: NX is one of those gems that few players have on the radar. False! Here you play a mix of tennis, squash and escape – all under a 360-degree dome. Now, the game of early access has surpbaded and is more fun than ever. Currently, there is a discount on Steam and Oculus Store

Into VR

Into VR produces a 360 degree documentary of war zones and adventure where our VR glbades would be at best. The Berlin start-up has produced documentaries about crisis areas in Iraq or gives us a glimpse of the Stasi prison:

And what do we intend to do today in Berlin? There are also answers:

"Big Family": Why Berlin is the best location for #VR and # 360Video . And our growing team. #VRBB @VRBBev @vrnowcon @VRBusinessclub pic.twitter.com/YsQ9YlQr2m

– IntoVR (@into_vr)
July 19, 2018

What are your current VR hits?

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