Mainz 05 made more than 100 million euros in transfer revenue this summer – Bundesliga season 2017/18


The transfer of Yoshinori Muto (26) to Newcastle is done by: As soon as the Japanese have the work permit for England, it is officially announced.

Mainz receives 11 million euros of transfer plus bonuses for the attacker – and 05- The sports office Rouven Schröder (42) skips a magical border.

Schröder, the 100 million man!

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picture: picture alliance / Revierfoto / Re

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Jean-Philippe Gbamin expressed his last thoughts of change, Schröder remained hard photo: picture alliance / Revierfoto / Re

A 106.35 million euros, amount of bill transfer revenue BILD since Schröder has the blows! Will there be 40 or more in the next few days? If Gbamin is still going to England?

Schroeder swears that this does not happen – because there is no substitute: "A lot of money is not good if you can not l & rsquo; # 39; use "!

"Rouven has a great knowledge of the market, a network, is a very good negotiator.The turnover is excellent, so we can continue to develop," greeted Stefan Hofmann, boss of 05. [19659009] Direct blow from Schröders: Abdoul Diallo (21) in 2017 for 5 million Monaco, sold him 30 million in Dortmund!

Three reasons for its commercial success:

► Patience. Schroeder has clear ideas about the market value of players, resolves things if necessary.

► Meticulosity. By telephone, Schröder is almost accessible 24 hours a day. He focuses on his main tasks, leaving the rest to his employees.

► Facts. Externally often buddy with shirt sleeves. Impulsive actions are not his thing. Schroeder thinks all over again

What he still has to prove: that he can also build a team that has more, than hold the league with Ach and the sound.

Fischer, Kodro, Maxim, Ujah – some Purchases flopped last season. If Schröder can do even better, 05 will have a golden future for him.


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