Mascherano concludes after the finals of the World Cup – Will Messi withdraw now? – FIFA World Cup 2018


Breaking a whole team now?

After the 3: 4 loss in the round of 16 of the World Cup against France, Argentina is in shock. The 2014 World Vice Runner-up retired in the preliminary round at the end of 2002.

With Javier Mascherano (34), the first player has already resigned right after the final whistle: "C & # 39 I'm just a fan of the national team, I hope these guys can do something in the future. "

The national record player Mascherano played as the superstar Lionel Messi four World Cups for Argentina and played a total of 147 games in the national jersey. He was captain of the team in 2010.

Coach Jorge Sampaoli leaves his resignation still open: "It is too early to badyze specific mistakes.It is very painful.I do not will not decide that today. "

The Argentine media reacted shocked. The newspaper "Ole" wrote: "From dream to nightmare .Hope that it was not goodbye to Messi."

  Calendar of the World Cup in Russia 2018 in PDF to download - infographic

Calendar of the World Cup in Russia 2018 in PDF download – infographic

Is Messi the next, who resigns?

The superstar is now 31 years old, in Qatar 2022 he is 35 years old. At the World Championships, the little magical foot just can not convince: even in the eighth straight knockout game of a World Cup, Messi could not meet in Albiceleste's jersey. Although the superstar and captain did the preliminary work at 2: 1 and 3: 4. But he remains without a crown on the big stage.

He scored 65 goals in 128 caps, but did not win a title. The final of the 2014 World Cup, he lost against Germany, plus three finals Copa America lost. 2019 would be the next Copa in Brazil

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photo: dpa

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Messi completely stunned after the lost final of Copa America 2016 against Chile Photo: dpa

Messi had already resigned in 2016. In the final of Copa, he missed a penalty, Argentina beat Chile on penalties He no longer wanted to emotion. A few weeks later, the role upside down. Messi then: "My love for my country and this jersey is just too big."

Now the next setback – World Cup! What is the size of love this time …?

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