Mesut Özil: A SPD politician criticized the statements of the DFB – with the reactions that she was not expecting – WM2018


The case of Mesut Özil: a politician of the SPD criticized the reaction of DFB – she did not expect the reactions

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The case Mesut Özil does not calm down.

Photo: dpa

Berlin. Although he has been on vacation for a long time, Mesut Özil still dominates the titles around the DFB. The manager of the national team, Oliver Bierhoff, and the president of the DFB, Reinhard Grindel, criticized Mesut Özil for his relations with "Erdogate".

The criticism of Mesut Özil called among others the SPD politician Dagmar Freitag on the scene. "Dealing with Causa Özil / Gündogan has the potential to jeopardize what this national team has just embodied in recent years: integration can succeed, even or especially in sport," said the chairman of the commission. sports of the Bundestag. There could only be losers: "Özil, Verband und die Gesellschaft". She considers it "fatal that communication is currently one-sided through the media. A player who is silent, a federation whose tip speaks and which is still poorly understood. "

Mesut Özil: reactions to a shocked politician statement

Friday was shocked by the reactions to his remarks to Mesut Özil : "What came in as a shitstorm on my e-mail account, was quite remarkable."

Terms such as "red-green-the-dirty-canaille "are still among the easiest terms to quote," Freitag said, wondering where such a culture of debate should lead

Debate on Mesut Özil: "This seems to be socially acceptable, to discredit and abuse people "

The general language was recently clearly unclear – even in the Bundestag, at least it was partly responsible for the AFD.It does not know it, despite all the sharpness." It seems to be socially acceptable to discredit and insult people. " After the reactions to her interview on the case Mesut Özil she had deliberately not commented on the subject for several days.

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We must talk about this escalation. "We need to talk urgently in this country about how we deal with each other linguistically." Many would not even put their insulting alibi in their insults: "They do not even not shame. " but continues to comment on the subject – also to "discuss objectively".

Case of Mesut Özil: That the circles

Immediately before the World Cup Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan had with the Turkish leader Erdogan to be photographed. Gundogan even Erdogan even a jersey with a friendly dedication. Nevertheless, it is Mesut Özil that has attracted most critics. For unlike Gündogan, he was silent in front of the more than regrettable photos

Although the DFB declared the Before the tournament, criticized the manager of the DFB, Oliver Bierhoff shortly after the preliminary round of the national team's historic Mesut Özils Behavior: "We have not never forced the players of the German national team to do anything. convincing. That did not succeed with Mesut, "Bierhoff said in an interview with the world:" in this respect we should have wondered if we give it up athletically. "

Later, he relativized statements that he expressed as" misleading. "" I'm sorry that I am wrong and that I misunderstand these statements. "They do not mean in retrospect"

Reinhard Grindel calls the comments of Mesut Özil

But shortly after, the president of the DFB, Reinhard Grindel, criticized Mesut Özil . "It is true that Mesut has not commented yet, which has disappointed many fans because they have questions and expect to an answer, and they rightly expect this answer It is clear that when Mesut returns from vacation, he should also make public statements in his own interest, "said Grindel in an interview with the" Kicker ".

Grindel even questioned Özil's future of In the national team we are waiting for athletic badysis and see if Joachim Loew plans more with him. "

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