Mesut Özil: DFB presents an ultimatum


Since Sunday noon, it is even less likely that Mesut Özil will play again for the national team.

Basically, the currently most controversial German footballer must break with his principles if he wants to continue to belong to the DFB team. He is almost obliged to do that. From the highest point

It is thus that one interprets the message that the head of the badociation sent him on holiday in Greece.

In an interview with kicker whose excerpts were published in advance Sunday, Reinhard Grindel Özil called for a statement in the case Erdogan

Grindel: "Özil disappointed a lot of fans "[19659006] This is the next level of climbing on this topic. The fact that Özil has not yet declared publicly, "disappointed many fans," said the chairman of the DFB

Grindel calls for answers: almost representative of the people.

For him, "it is perfectly clear," he says, "that Mesut, on his return from vacation, should also express publicly in his own interest."

"Too much" is the crucial word in this sentence, She turns a council into an arrangement.

DFB puts Özil ahead of the elections: Either he shows public regrets that he has posed as a German international shortly before a World Cup alongside the controversial head of Germany. State of Turkey for propaganda photos. Or his career in the national team is over.

They want to wait and see "what form Mesut involves," Grindel said. "In fact, I hope that the Özil statement is so clear that we have answered questions from the fans and the badociation."

It sounds like an ultimatum.

Özil himself kept silent with Erdogan – even less than 60 days after the photos. For personal reasons

Özil "Kinky, disappointed and offended"

Father Mustafa Özil said in Bild am Sonntag : "He is bowed, disappointed and offended." And yes: offended also He does not want to explain anymore, he does not always have to defend himself, he has been playing in the German national team for nine years, he has done a lot for this country. "

Meanwhile, it is not even appreciated by the DFB

already the second senior official of the DFB, who works in public in Özil.This must happen in the meantime, as if the whole summit of the badociation had conspired against him.

Thursday, the team manager, Oliver Bierhoff, had already counted in an interview in World . In retrospect, "one should have thought," said Bierhoff, "if you restrain yourself athletically." That meant Özil's commitment to the World Cup.

A public disbadembly since nothing is as before. The fact that Bierhoff tried to convince ZDF the next day that he did not want to say all of this, nobody took him away anymore. Özil's reputation is beaten.

A commentator of Spiegel suspected these days that the Bierhoff attack could only have two reasons: "He already knows that after all that happened, Özil does not want to play in the national team anyway "

The Grindel ultimatum suggests that Özil has not yet cleared the free field of its own accord. [19659005] The bosses of the DFB make the subject Özil a top priority

Especially as a national coach, a self-confessor The player's supporters, in this case also has a say. "We have to wait for the Analysis and see if Joachim Löw continues to plan with him, "said Grindel.

It should not give the impression that the creators of the DFB would undermine the trainer's skill. put pressure on him anyway.

Grindel's statement was to some extent the result of e interview with Bierhoff. "Sporting renounced" and "other projects with him" are rhetorically striking similar wording.

It is felt that the president and the team leader of the time wanted to catch up with what they missed before and during the World Cup: at the thing of boss. From the political and sporting point of view

During the tournament, the delegation that he quoted "left no doubt," badured Grindel, "that we accept the sporting decision that Mesut belongs to the # 39; team ".

"For this the insult is too great"

Now that Germany has been eliminated for a long time, this premise no longer applies.

Should Mesut Özil be thrown out of the top of the national team to get rid of Erdogan's boring problem once and for all?

He really can not be ruled out of what is happening these days at the DFB

as he withdraws from the situation of his son from the national team, Mustafa Özil in the BamS [19459005

His answer: "If I were in his place, I would say: Thank you very much, but that's all, but the offense is too big for that."

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