Mesut Özil: Heavy criticisms of unexpected direction


Mesut Özil's new criticism: Fredi Bobic has not only found clear words for the resigned international, but also for whom it was not necessarily predictable.

Frankfurt am Main – Harun Arslan, Joachim Löw's adviser to Mesut Özil criticized for allegations of racism against DFB President Reinhard Grindel. "Mr. Grindel may have made mistakes in the case, like all the people involved, but he's not racist." With this statement, Mesut has clearly shot at the target, "says Arslan Bild am Sonntag " can only warn in general against launching too quickly the heavy burden of racism, "said Arslan In addition, the 61-year-old announced a statement by coach Loew, "as soon as he finished his badysis and decided the consequences." Löw is currently working on it, "says Arslan. Löw has not commented on the resignation of Özil until now.

What Arslan finds such clear words is somewhat unexpected. Because: He works with the management of Mesut Özil.

Arslan has been coaching the national coach for many years. He also collaborated with the management of Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan. He does not see any conflict with this constellation. "I am the sole manager of Jogi Löw: with Erkut Sögüt, who supervises Mesut, and Ilkay Gündogan, the uncle and consultant of Ilkay, I only work on projects like transfers, so I am not involved with the players

Bobic: Type of resignation "little loose"

The sports director of Eintracht Frankfurt, Fredi Bobic, strongly criticized the retired national player Mesut Özil and sees this as a toy of a social debate. "Of course, he can now celebrate in Turkey. But that's a mistake. Because in the end, it was used only to separate – especially here in Germany, "Bobic told Bild am Sonntag a week after the remarkable resignation of the 2014 World Champion. Bobic:" For to be honest, I find that unbearable. This general accusation of racism is simply not reality. "With heavy public accusations against the president of the DFB to President Reinhard Grindel, the 29-year-old" has not revealed himself to be a team player. "National coach Joachim Loew, who has built long years on Ozil, should not have been informed before. "I think the nature of his resignation is frankly a little loose," said the former professional champion.

Bobic Ozil suspected of talking after the World Cup "broken pride." In a radical attack, the Arsenal professional had only attacked the country, the people, the sponsors and the boss of the DFB, Grindel and then announced his retirement from the national team.For the 46-year-old Bobic, it's now up to coach Löw to make a statement. "His word has weight. Sporting DFB director plans talks with Özil

A week after the resignation of Mesut Özil from the national team, the sports director of the German Football Association (DFB) apparently contact the world champion 2014. This brought back the newspaper Bild.

Allegations, therefore, "timely" a phone call with Özil planned. It is unclear whether coach Joachim Löw, national team manager Oliver Bierhoff or both would speak at a conference with Turkish midfielder Arsenal.

Ozil was at the end of last week following the Erdogan affair with his photo of the DFB team resigning last May alongside Turkish autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The 29-year-old had personally made allegations of racism against the badociation and DFB President, Reinhard Grindel.

Meanwhile, the DFB and Grindel rejected the allegations. Löw and Bierhoff have not yet publicly expressed Özil's farewell to the national team.

dpa / sid

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