Mesut Özil: Joachim Löw was not aware of the resignation in advance


Even football coach Joachim Loew knew until Sunday night nothing about the resignation of Mesut Özils from the national team he only learned about Internet. According to the newspaper "Bild", the adviser of Özil Erkut Sögüt had informed the German Football Federation (DFB) that there would be a statement from his client Sunday. "Neither the national coach nor I have been informed in advance," said Löws' advisor Harun Arslan, the newspaper.

Löw is currently on holiday in Sardinia. Arslan has been taking care of him for many years and negotiating his contracts with the DFB. According to "Bild", Arslan also collaborates with Sögüt since the beginning of the year as well as with Ilhan Gündogan, the uncle and advisor of international player Ilkay Gündogan. The goal is to collaborate on transfer projects.

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Mesut Özil:
The Retreat

Özil had published three statements online Sunday and announced his resignation from the national team. He criticized the DFB and in particular its president Reinhard Grindel as well as the German media and sponsors (how exactly Özil argues, you can read here). Özil defended in his statements his controversial photos with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – the images had triggered the case in May

Video with the resignation Özil: the debate on the integration is revived

The DFB on Monday rejected racist allegations of Özil back. "That the DFB is badociated with racism, we reject (…) in unequivocal terms," ​​said in the statement of the Association. One regrets the farewells of Özil and wants to continue his "successful integration work".

There were voices from politicians and the Turkish community, who called Grindel to resign. Green politician Cem Özdemir said the "world", the DFB should have intervened immediately after the photo Özil with Erdogan and clean up the issue. "Mr. Grindel should be asking himself about himself, if he's still the right man for this job." Other reactions can be read in the following:

"Grindel should have left, not Ozil"

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Löw wants to announce his team for the new start on August 29th. Özil has been a national footballer since 2009 and since the 2010 World Cup he has been part of the national team. What specific conclusions Löw draws after the preliminary round of the World Cup for internationals on 6 September in Munich against world champion France and three days later in Sinsheim against Peru, is still open. "Of course, we want to present ourselves differently in September and have very different performances from Russia," said Loew a few days ago. "Of course, it's also my job as a coach to revive that fire, that enthusiasm, devotion, emotions, pride."

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