Mexico GP race


10:08 p.m.

So we say goodbye to Mexico. In two weeks, Brazil will continue the penultimate race of the season.

10:07 p.m.

And World Champion Hamilton said, "It's a strange feeling – but thanks to the team, we did not win here, but in many other races where we worked hard."

10:04 p.m.

Kimi Raikkonen, third, led the strategy with one stop. "There was not much left inside, but it was enough to finish," says Raikkonen.

10:03 p.m.

And the winner of the race, Max Verstappen, said: "Too bad Daniel failed, otherwise we would have celebrated a double victory."

10:02 p.m.

Sebastian Vettel congratulates Lewis Hamilton on his fifth world title. "Lewis deserves it, he and his team have done a great job all year."

10:01 p.m.

Ocon, Hartley, Stroll and Sirotkin go empty. Haas occupies the last places, Magnussen before Grosjean. Ricciardo, Perez, Sainz and Alonso are the failures.

9:59 p.m.

Bottas in 5th place, nothing has changed behind that: Hulkenberg in front of Leclerc, Vandoorne and Ericsson. The last point goes to Pierre Gasly.

9:58 p.m.

Hamilton only in fourth place, but that's enough – he brings his fifth world title.

9:58 p.m.

Vettel missed Ricciardo's failure before taking second place, Raikkonen the third.

9:58 p.m.

Verstappen was worried about Ricciardo's failure and asked for advice at his box several times. In the end, the Red Bull stopped – Verstappen wins in Mexico.

9:57 p.m.

In the next virtual safety car, Mercedes Valtteri Bottas returned to the pits, wearing Hypersoft tires. This Bottas took the best lap in the race.

9:56 p.m.

Daniel Ricciardo is absent – with smoke, Red Bull is deployed before Vettel can attempt another attack.

9:55 p.m.

We apologize for this failure. Unfortunately, technical problems arose.

9:35 p.m.

Vettel is still close to Ricciardo, but is not yet close enough for an attack.

9:34 p.m.

Neither Gasly nor Ocon are penalized earlier.

9:33 p.m.

Vettel has a slider off Turn 10, must open the direction and exit. This gives the air to Ricciardo.

9:32 p.m.

Ricciardo achieves the fastest lap in the race with Supersoft, 45 laps.

9:31 p.m.

Ricciardo pbades in a straight line with DRS Ericsson. He may dismiss Vettel briefly, but Vettel is back soon after.

21:30 pm

Gasly and Hartley dodge. Vettel in turn to Ricciardo.

21:30 pm

Vettel is behind Ricciardo now in the DRS window. Both are back at the roundabout, behind the two Toro Rossos.

9:29 p.m.

On the next lap, Gasly and DRS pbad Ocon on the long straight.

9:28 p.m.

Gasly attacks Ocon. Ocon grows Gasly in front of turn 4 first left and almost into the grbad. Then you can go out in the curve, Gasly must open and in the exit area. "He pushed me off the track," he complains.

9:26 p.m.

"Something is definitely wrong, I have new tires now, but I can not run in time," wonders Hamilton.

9:25 p.m.

Ricciardo is back in the traffic – the Haas and Williams to get around it.

9:24 p.m.

Verstappen starts slowly by Ricciardo, who was once in the stands. Vettel soon caught up with Ricciardo.

9:24 p.m.

Hulkenberg continues to hang at Patz 7. He has 15 seconds ahead on Leclerc. Haas halves and Perez Vandoorne's and Ericsson's defeat were scored at the last point.

9:22 p.m.

Vettel immediately achieves the fastest lap and reduces the gap with Ricciardo.

9:21 p.m.

Bottas enters and recovers old Ultrasoft tires. He's coming back from Hamilton.

9:20 p.m.

Verstappen appears in front of Ricciardo. Vettel is now in third place, 3.6 seconds behind Ricciardo.

9:20 p.m.

Verstappen arrives at the pits and receives new Supersoft tires.

9:20 p.m.

Raikkonen is finished. Bottas returns to the track on the same line as Hamilton.

9:19 p.m.

Bottas is now attacked by Raikkonen – he also covers his turn 1 inside and brakes, sliding directly into the grbad.

9:19 p.m.

Vettel arrives in the pits and recovers Ultrasoft. Hamilton follows him and recovers old Ultrasoft tires.

9:18 p.m.

Hamilton returns to the track. "I have nothing left, the tires are dead," he cursed.

9:18 p.m.

Ricciardo attacks again – feigns inside, withdraws. Hamilton wants to brake late but blocks the front tires. He slips into the grbad, Ricciardo is finished.

9:17 p.m.

Magnussen was right in the pits, switched to the new Ultrasoft. Now, Grosjean is also moving to the new Ultrasoft. Both fall at the end of the field.

9:16 p.m.

Also in the next round Ricciardo is too far away.

9:15 p.m.

Now it's Ricciardo's turn, the shear appears in front of the first corner in Hamilton's rearview mirror. But it is not yet close enough, is back. In turn 4 the same game, but this time Hamilton covers slightly.

9:15 p.m.

"Agree, Hamilton has vibration problems, his front tires are angry," points Red Bull to Ricciardo.

9:14 p.m.

The accident between Ocon and Hartley is currently under investigation by the stewards.

9:14 p.m.

Vettel achieves the fastest lap in the race for the fastest lap. But Verstappen continues to hold on, Vettel is still 12 seconds behind.

9:13 p.m.

Hamilton reports vibrations. "Understand, we observe that", the box shines.

9:13 p.m.

Hamilton is under pressure from Ricciardo, who has now reduced the gap to 2 seconds.

9:12 p.m.

Hartley's subfloor is disbadembled in its components left after contact with Ocon, it also suspends something. Nevertheless, he is still ahead of Ocon.

9:11 p.m.

Vettel made the fastest lap, but Verstappen was not much slower, he also set the tone.

9:10 p.m.

Ocon has now clashed with Hartley. Ocon tried out of Turn 1, they rolled side-by-side in Turn 2. Hartley drove, but Ocon was three-quarters. The coins fly, but both continue.

9:10 p.m.

Perez arrives at the stands and gives up.

9:09 p.m.

Perez has technical problems – he does not take the back in turns, he slips.

9:09 p.m.

Then Ricciardo. "Vettel just pbaded Hamilton and I think Hamilton is not really happy," said Red Bull.

9:08 p.m.

Verstappen now has a 14.8-second lead over Vettel, who trailed Hamilton by 2 seconds in one lap.

9:07 p.m.

Vettel is now in the DRS window in Hamilton, the inside brakes in turn 1. Hamilton is back, not resisting. At this intermediate level, he would still be world champion.

9:05 p.m.

Hamilton drives a little faster, but also sets Vettel – again, he takes the Mercedes for a second, now it is almost off.

9:04 p.m.

Ricciardo is already 6 seconds behind Vettel.

9:04 p.m.

Vettel drove a second faster than Verstappen and Hamilton.

9:03 p.m.

Verstappen's lead is now 12.7 seconds after rounding. Hamilton took 3 seconds ahead of Vettel, but Vettel is only shortening that distance quickly. Ricciardo does not come with Vettel.

9:02 p.m.

Perez attacks again, Leclerc covers the inside. But Perez keeps the line on the outside in turn 1 and wins. Leclerc must back down.

9:02 p.m.

"What a joke, these two," now throws Ricciardo on the radio.

9:01 p.m.

Vettel and Ricciardo are gone. Leclerc retorts on the right and pbades again in front of Perez.

9:01 p.m.

Perez turns right, Leclerc left. Vettel and Ricciardo pbad. Perez tries to enjoy immediately, sits next to the slow Leclerc.

21:00 clock

Vettel brakes late in turn 1, Ricciardo gives him exactly a vehicle width. Vettel pbades, pbades.

8:59 p.m.

Behind Leclerc and Perez, we now see Ricciardo and Vettel. Hamilton was able to adjust slightly thanks to the borough.

20:58 hours

Perez took the track just behind Leclerc.

20:58 hours

VSC ends. Ricciardo and Vettel pbad immediately in front of Magnussen.

20:58 hours

Ocon was in the pits, he switched to the old Ultrasoft tires. Now comes Perez, he also gets old Ultrasoft tires.

20:57 hours

"Are we coming in?" Asks Hamilton. "Negative, negative, stay out," replies the box.

20:56 hours

Replay: In the tight left turn, Sainz suddenly breaks his tail at the top. He immediately turns right and parks the Renault.

20:55 hours

Sainz goes out. He was at the point of failure in 8th place ahead of teammate Hulkenberg.

20:55 hours

Sainz is taking place in the stadium. Virtual security car.

20:54 pm

Vettel tries it out of Turn 4, Ricciardo covers the inside. But Vettel must back down, can not sit down.

20:54 pm

Vettel gets closer to the long straight, but not after Ricciardo. But he must also take it to Grosjean.

8:53 p.m.

Hamilton comes to the stadium on the Haas and Ocon plus, Ricciardo hangs. It's now Vettel's turn.

8:53 p.m.

Vandoorne slows down, lets the three go by.

20:52 pm

This fighting group has just been overtaken by Verstappen – today Hamilton, Ricciardo and Vettel.

8:51 p.m.

Leclerc now at 10 o'clock, he is slowly moving away from Magnussen. He is under pressure from Grosjean, Ocon and Vandoorne.

8:51 p.m.

Both Toro Rosso were in the stands for the second time. New Supersoft tires for both.

8:51 p.m.

"It will not be easy before the end of the race, Max," said the Red Bull Box. "One or two stops."

8:49 p.m.

Leclerc pbades Magnussen on the long straight with DRS, who does not resist.

8:49 p.m.

"Okay, there were three cars or something that started on Super and that a bit grained, but after 20, 25 laps, it's even better," says the Red Bull Box. Ricciardo.

8:47 p.m.

Ricciardo pbades Ericsson in the next straight line. "I can feel it again at the front left," added Ricciardo. It is important that you take care of the tires, "comes the answer.

8:47 p.m.

"I'm fighting, man," Hamilton radioed. Now he outclbades Ericsson before round 1, Ricciardo needs to make a save.

8:46 p.m.

"The left front tire opens again," Hamilton says. He has grained again. The only alternative is an Ultrasoft, but it did not work so well, "says his engineer.

8:44 p.m.

"Agreed, Hamilton is not very happy with his tires," Red Bull announced to Ricciardo.

8:43 p.m.

"This tire does not feel very good," said Hamilton. He has at least a little air in Ricciardo. Vettel has found the connection with Ricciardo.

8:43 p.m.

Ocon and Hartley have also changed after the first lap and their tires are therefore much older.

8:42 p.m.

Strategy-Zwischenstand: Almost all were in the stands and moved on to Supersoft. Exceptions: Haas was not in the pits yet. Hartley and Stroll switched to Ultrasoft.

8:41 p.m.

Magnussen is now caught up by Leclerc – and he brings together a huge band including Grosjean, Hartley, Ocon, Gasly and Vandoorne.

20:39 pm

Free ride for Magnussen, now 10 thanks to the Ericsson stop. Behind that, Leclerc and DRS pbad Grosjean. Only Perez and the two Haas were not in the stands yet.

8:38 p.m.

Ericsson was finally in the pits, got Supersoft and is now last.

8:37 p.m.

Raikkonen gets Supersoft and gets far behind Bottas.

8:37 p.m.

Vettel arrives at the pits, recovers Supersoft and goes out between Ricciardo and Bottas. Raikkonen also intervenes.

8:37 p.m.

Hulkenberg has now pbaded Ericsson.

8:36 p.m.

Hamilton brakes very late for Turn 1, but Raikkonen sees him coming and leaving him room. Ricciardo also pushes alongside Raikkonen and pbades through.

8:35 p.m.

Behind Hamilton is also Ricciardo.

8:35 p.m.

Hamilton caught up with Raikkonen.

8:35 p.m.

Sainz exceeds Ericsson. Leclerc was in the pits, had Supersoft and came out at the end of the Ericsson train.

8:34 p.m.

Renault was also in the stands – Sainz and Hulkenberg both got Supersoft. Sainz is now behind Ericsson on the train.

8:34 p.m.

Vettel wants to stay out as long as possible.

8:33 p.m.

Verstappen has already caught up with Räikkönen – and he easily pbades Raikkonen with DRS in straight lines.

8:33 p.m.

Perez brakes out on Turn 1 next to Ericsson. They roll side by side in the curve, Perez is in the next corner inside and takes the position.

20:32 pm

"The tires say goodbye slowly," Vettel said by radio.

20:32 pm

Verstappen also comes to the stands. He gets Supersoft. Vettel takes the lead, Räikkönen now at 2. The two Ferraris are not yet in the pits. Verstappen leaves directly behind Raikkonen.

20:31 pm

Bottas remained on his trajectory behind Leclerc. He now goes with DRS.

8:30 p.m.

Ricciardo arrives at the pits, pbades to Supersoft. He returns after Hamilton on the track.

8:30 p.m.

Perez attacks again, alternately trying 1. Ericsson leaves the door open, but Perez does not manage to brake late enough, he has to back off.

8:29 p.m.

It was very close to the proposed stop window – Hamilton came out just in front of the Renault.

8:29 p.m.

Bottas arrives directly behind him at the pits, he also receives the new Supersoft.

8:28 p.m.

Hamilton arrives at the pits and receives new Supersoft tires.

8:28 p.m.

Ericsson is fighting a duel with Perez – Perez trying lap 1, Ericsson is hiding for. Perez tries it on turn 4, Ericsson is hiding.

8:27 p.m.

Vettel continues to place 4th, but slowly falls back. Bottas and Raikkonen are much more distant.

8:27 p.m.

Hamilton reports that his front tires are degrading. He still has a second ahead of Ricciardo.

8:26 p.m.

"Hamilton may have problems greasing the front tire," said Red Bull to Ricciardo.

8:25 p.m.

Verstappen makes the next fastest lap of the race. Hamilton begins to lose time with a 3.4 seconds delay.

8:25 p.m.

The Sauber are fighting on the old Hypersoft. Ericsson has more problems than Leclerc in front of him and is now under pressure from Perez. Behind all this: Stroll and Magnussen are already here.

8:24 p.m.

Bottas does not come with Vettel, he is now getting pressure from Raikkonen. The Renault had to demolish their old Hypersoft.

8:23 p.m.

"The tires are very fragile," said Hamilton radio.

8:23 p.m.

Verstappen leads, Hamilton keeps the distance at 2 seconds. Ricciardo has 3.8 seconds.

8:22 p.m.

Replay: Vettel is dueled in round 1 after the second still bickering Bottas. It was in contact with the tires that Bottas was left outside and had to leave briefly in the withdrawal zone. He joined Vettel again.

8:21 p.m.

VSC ends, the McLaren Alonso is gone.

8:21 p.m.

Replay: Ocon started at the start with his front wing on the left rear tire of Hulkenberg, hence the damage.

8:19 p.m.

Alonso comes out and closes. The virtual safety car is called.

8:19 p.m.

Replay: At first, Ocon collided in front of him, the front wing parts flew back. A stuck right under the badpit of Alonso.

8:18 p.m.

Smoke rises from the back of Alonso's McLaren. In addition, a Force India wing is suspended on the right side of its board.

8:17 p.m.

The Renaults are still trying to stay in the top 6 but are lagging behind. Hülkenberg puts pressure on driving ahead of Sainz.

8:16 p.m.

Two rounds were made. Verstappen is in the lead and achieves the fastest lap in the race. Hamilton tries to follow, is 1.3 seconds. Ricciardo is already 3.2 seconds behind, Vettel 4.2 seconds.

8:15 p.m.

Ocon had to get to the pits with a broken front wing – he switched to Supersoft tires and came out. Hartley was also in the pits, Ultrasoft brought.

8:15 p.m.

A lap was crossed – Räikkönen retired on the long straight with a surplus to the Renault Sainz.

8:14 p.m.

Vettel continues to place 4, then Bottas, Sainz, Raikkonen and Hulkenberg.

8:14 p.m.

Verstappen is in turn 1 in, in defense against Hamilton. Vettel is behind, Ricciardo takes the third place.

8:13 p.m.

First start for Hamilton, he pbades between the two Red Bulls. But Verstappen stops him. Bottas attack Ricciardo on the outside.

8:12 p.m.

The drivers return to the starting grid and take their place.

8:12 p.m.

A one-stop strategy is also possible for riders who depart on Ultrasoft: the pit-stop window will open on the 11th lap and, according to Pirelli, it will be possible to ride with Supersoft, but this will allow to save a lot of tires.

8:10 p.m.

Warming up begins.

8:10 p.m.

The first corner is crucial: the road is very long and Red Bull may not have the maximum speed to defend against Mercedes and especially against Ferrari.

8:09 p.m.

Pirelli recommends a 2-stop strategy for the race. The Hypersoft should be changed according to Pirelli even before lap 10. For Ultrasoft, the pit-stop window will open before the 20th lap.

8:07 p.m.

Ocon, Perez, Hartley, Magnussen and Grosjean start with new Supersoft tires – the strongest compound. Alonso, Vandoorne, Stroll and Sirotkin launch the new Ultrasoft. Gasly launches the new Hypersoft.

8:06 p.m.

The starting tires of the Top 10: Red Bull, Mercedes and Ferrari start from the old Ultrasoft. Renault and Sauber ride on the old Hypersoft. Behind the choice of the free tire, here is an advantage, because the Hypersoft tire deteriorates very quickly.

8:05 p.m.

Clean completes the Top 10: Series 5 of Charles Leclerc in front of Marcus Ericsson. Row 6: Ocon, Alonso. Series 7: Perez, Hartley. Row 8: Vandoorne, Magnussen. Series 9: Stroll, Grosjean. Series 10: Sirotkin, Gasly.

8:04 p.m.

Renault leads the midfield, is in 4th Hülkenberg series before Sainz. Both were strong all weekend, and the big favorites for places 7 and 8.

8:03 p.m.

Series 3: Bottas and Raikkonen. The two Finns could not really follow their teammates yesterday.

8:03 p.m.

Series 2, Hamilton and Vettel, the two opponents of the championship. It's Vettel's last chance to keep the World Cup alive. But he has to win – otherwise Hamilton will automatically become world champion.

8:02 p.m.

Row 1 belongs to Red Bull: Ricciardo on pole, next to Max Verstappen. The track in Mexico is the Red Bull, which has already been seen in training.

8:01 p.m.

It is dry in Mexico but cloudy. We have an air temperature of 18 degrees and a track temperature of 31 degrees. Rain is possible, but if it is, then only at the end of the race. The probability is 20%.

7:44 p.m.

Welcome to Formula 1 in Mexico! The race starts at the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez.

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