Microsoft could work on Android smartphones


  Microsoft Lumia 650 "title =" Microsoft Lumia 650 "clbad =" newspic topnews

When it comes to computer firmware, three operating systems prevailed: macOS, Linux and Windows. In the case of the smartphone counterpart, Microsoft is barely represented, because the available space is almost entirely filled by the best dogs, iOS and Android. The Redmond developer seems to have finally accepted this, as suggested by a recent rumor.

Microsoft 's Windows Phone was one of the world' s mobile OS sizes in addition to Android and iOS, but today, it seems completely different. Although the software was replaced in 2015 by Windows 10 Mobile, but this could not save the operating system, which could be found, among others, on many Nokia Lumia phones. Today, it is almost no longer the case and even Microsoft itself seems to have lost confidence in its own firmware for mobile devices. This is at least from a chat currently published that a Microsoft employee should have conducted with a client.

  Microsoft Android Smartphone "title =" Microsoft Android Smartphone

Source: Phonearena

In this document explains the employee that Microsoft engineers are currently working on a new series of smartphones that, unlike most of the previous models, will make a big difference. Thus, future devices must be equipped with the Google Android operating system. However, other details on the technical data have not been mentioned at this stage

It worked at Nokia

It is not known at the moment if the rumor is relevant – after all, the source is not particularly reliable, nevertheless, a Microsoft phone running Android would not be far fetched because it makes perfect sense. Finally, Nokia has also been able to gain popularity after the acquisition of the brand by HMD Global and the use of Android. It remains to be seen if the American manufacturer will celebrate success with this tactic.

Source: Phonearena | picture source small picture: | Author: Artem Sandler

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