Microsoft: Gaming Business Growing – Aggressive Investments in Content, Community and Cloud Services


  Microsoft: Gaming Business Increases - Aggressive Investment in Content, Community and Cloud Services

20. July 2018 at 09:04:

Microsoft has released the latest annual report, pointing out that gaming revenue has increased. In the future, the company wants to invest even more aggressively.

Microsoft revealed the latest figures a few hours ago. Among other things, the company entered the gaming industry, which, according to the Redmond company, generated 39% sales growth over the same period of the previous year. In the first fiscal quarter of the current fiscal year from Microsoft $ 2.29 billion has been implemented in this area.

And elsewhere, Microsoft could grow. "Gaming revenue increased $ 643 million, or 39%, due to increased sales of Xbox software and services," Microsoft's press release said. "Xbox software and services sales grew 36%, mainly due to third-party titles."

57 million active Xbox Live users per month

In addition, during the last quarter, Xbox Live has received 57 million active subscriptions per month User counted. That's still eight percent more than at the same time of the previous year. It should be noted that Xbox Live is no longer limited to Xbox consoles. How often have they been sold within three months is not known. The same goes for the total sales of Xbox One and Xbox One X.

Chief Operating Officer, Satya Nadella, and Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood complete Redmond's strategy in the latest annual report, highlighting that they wanted to make aggressive investments.

Microsoft: Ninja Theory and other studio resumed

As announced in the context of E3 in 2018, Microsoft is now owned by other studios. These include Undead Labs ("State of Decay") and Playground Games ("…

" In the field of gaming, we continue our vast possibilities in terms of how games are produced and published, until To Game and Audience Behaviors We are making $ 10 billion in revenue for the first time this year, and we are aggressively investing in content, community, and cloud services to grow the business. use and reinforce engagement with players Satya Nadella

However, the current growth is not the only merit of Microsoft, especially games like "Fortnite" that have mobilized more players in recent months to increase their incomes.

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