Microsoft Store revised: desktop application launched with a new design


Microsoft has already introduced some new features for the Microsoft Store in recent weeks, and now the Windows 10 Desktop App has a redesigned design. The new interface is now available to all users, the update is server side.

Microsoft publishes the Microsoft Store for Windows 10 slightly overhauled via the server update. This reports the online magazine Windows Latest. The new user interface should soon be available to everyone. As always with such server-side updates, the version runs progressively in batches until all users can benefit from it. The update brings slight changes to the user interface on the game's apps and product pages, so the appearance of the desktop application looks like the Web version of Microsoft Store .
  Windows Store on the Web The Microsoft Store on the Web: That's what the new design looks like.
There is still no official announcement of the Microsoft Store update.

The Redmonders had once confirmed that they would gradually adjust the stores for all platforms – this is part of the brand's strategy and, of course, helps users navigate the store better. Overall, the store has been designed much more modern. On simple pages, the appearance of the overall view, system requirements, reviews (critical) and related applications has been modernized.

Remote Installation

With the update of the store, there are also new features: There is finally an option to install an application on another Windows 10 device. It provides a convenient way to install applications without having to s & # 39; Sit in front of the computer. However, the ability to remotely install applications is not yet available for all applications. Otherwise, it works as you know on the Google Play Store, for example.

Once you are logged in, the supported applications list by list the device on which you want to install the application. Windows Insider users already know this feature.

See Also:

  Microsoft, Windows 10, Logo, App Store, Windows Store, Microsoft Store

Microsoft, Windows 10, Logo, App Store, Windows Store, Microsoft Store
Windows Central

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