Microsoft teams are now available for free


13. July 2018 –
Microsoft has launched a freemium version of the teams. Since its launch in 2016, the program has only been available to paid professional customers. Now, the software giant is targeting small businesses and freelancers with a lite version of the application.

With Microsoft's collaboration platform teams since its launch nearly two years ago, exclusively paying customers – but since yesterday, a free edition of the program, with which Microsoft is addressing small companies with a limited financial margin, reports "The Verge",

The free trial version of the teams supports up to 300 people with unlimited chat messages and search functions. The application includes all the essential and predictable team features, with certain limitations to allow users to switch to the Office 365 subscription. It includes built-in audio and video call capabilities for unlimited groups and application integrations to add applications like Trello organizer to teams. Guest access is also possible here and 10 GB of storage space at 2 GB per member.

With the attack, Microsoft attacks the competitor Slack, which limits the searchable news to 10 000, allows ten integrations of applications, 5 GB of disk space, no problem. guest access and only 1: 1 video chats.

Buy it now in the Microsoft Store

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