Middle-earth: Shadow of War: finally released Lootbox mechanics


  Middle-earth: Shadow of War wants to reinvent itself long after its liberation Middle-earth: Shadow of War wants to reinvent itself long after its liberation

Monolith Productions has finalized all the mechanisms of Lootboxed of the Earth from Middle: Shadow of War away. The market was rebuilt step by step for months, the gold coin canceled and now the developer releases the last patch of these upheavals . In the future, you will unlock your equipment completely in the game. Marketplace, Lootboxes and Box Orks are obsolete.

The update removes not only the old problems, but adds new features to the original game experience. Thus, the Shadow Wars, which take place after the current campaign, through additional interactions with Kankra, the Witch-King and Coy. extended in history . The maximum level also increases to 80, the leveling up works faster, there is less grind and, and, and …

Middle-earth: Shadows of War – see screenshots [19659005] Garrison and can be improved and adapted with Mirian. Legendary orcs also appear more often, sometimes even bringing gifts to the player. In addition, there are new skins like Celebrimbor new clothes like Nazgul masks and many other additions – so the official announcement of Monolith.

After Battlefront 2, Shadow of War is the second controversial Lootbox- Game that makes a 180-degree U-turn. Of course, we will take the update in detail within, after all, we devalued Middle Earth and then 5 points for its microtransactions. All info can be found on GameStar.de

  The Future of Lootboxing - Video: Are Publishers Really Turning?

7:31 p.m.

The Future of Lootboxing – Video: Are Publishers Really Reversing

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