Millions of EU punishments: Google defends itself


D The European Commission is committing crimes against Google for abusing its power in the smartphone market . Android system a fine record of about 4.3 billion euros. It is the highest antitrust fine in Brussels for a single company. Google was also the previous record holder of the 2017 shopping search with 2.4 billion euros. According to media reports, the Commission wants to impose next billion penalty and changes to Google's business model on Android. Google challenges the decision of the European Commission's record competition. This was announced by a spokesman for the Internet giants and the business leader now explains why.

Google's Sundar Pichai Meters

In a blog, Google boss Sundar Pichai explains why the company does not simply accept the penalty. He points out that with Android, the choice of mobile phones does not back on the contrary. The operating system allows for rapid innovation, wide choice and lower prices. Also on the charge, Google appliance manufacturers, it enters. The smartphone manufacturers are not bound to the specifications, they would have every chance to change Android based on their ideas because this makes Amazon in Fire Tablets and Fire Sticks, so Pichai. He vaguely hinted at the consequences of the decision: the EU sends a problematic signal in favor of proprietary systems and at the expense of open platforms like Android. This creates a sensible balance. But he has not made any concrete changes.

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What is Google Throwing?

Among other things, the Commission is fighting to keep Android smartphone manufacturers wanting to integrate Google services. bring a full set of eleven applications from the Internet company to the device. For example, the Google Chrome browser and Google search can also access the device, even if a manufacturer, for example, only wants to install the platform of the Play Store application. Google has replicated, a minimum of applications is needed because users could not use Google services otherwise reasonable.

Another accusation from the EU

Auerdem criticized the Brsseler Behrde the so-called anti-fragmentation agreement, according to the device provider with Google services can not sell at the same time smartphones with modified versions of Android. The third allegation of the commission revolves around the fact that Google shares advertising revenues in the search application only with device manufacturers, though they benefit from the exclusivity on the phones and tablets. Overall, the Commission sees in the group 's approach an attempt to cover the market position of its online mobile device offerings unfairly compared to other service providers. The only other relevant mobile operating system is the iOS platform of Apple iPhones. Competing systems such as Microsoft's Windows Phone or Blackberry have lost competition.

What's Android?

Android is the most used smartphone system in the world. After all, Europe has a market share of over 72%. Depending on the number, the global market share of Android is about 87 percent. The Commission launched the Android procedure in April 2015, accusing the Internet giants, a year later, of abusing a dominant position in the market. Given the distribution that is certainly not out of the air. However, Google and parent company Alphabet reject the allegations. Google develops Android, the system is free for device manufacturers and can be modified from them. But there are limits when they bring Google apps such as Gmail or Maps to the device.

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Google: Also AdSense In Search of the EU

The Case Android is the second Brssel antitrust case against Google after shopping search, in a third, it concerns the AdSense service for search, in which other web pages Google search masks can integrate. The group has notably reduced the possibility for these providers to also display advertisements on Google's competitors.

Attack on Google's business model

This decision concerns the heart of Google's business model. As we know, the company earns its money mainly by placing advertising. And with services like Google Chrome or Google Search, the company knows the preferences of most people and knows what ads are showing. Android plays a key role. Because the operating system is the most powerful tool Google has for mobile data user access.

Antitrust case against Google: As with Microsoft?

In essence, the process is reminiscent of the browser conflict between the European Commission and Microsoft. At that time, Microsoft had dominated the browser market with Internet Explorer, among others, according to the commission, because the browser was installed on all Windows PC factory. To avoid the claims, Microsoft decided to install a browser choice in Windows. The same would be possible in the case of Google: To avoid other penalties, the Group could install a selection window that gives the user the choice of the browser and the search service that he / she wants to use by default.

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