More visibility, dark mode and optimized for one-handed use


At this year's SDC 2018 developer conference, Samsung introduced a new user interface for its smartphones, as well as various information about Bixby and SmartThings, the unique UI (certainly later on the Infinity screen Flex). This should not only be much clearer than the previous interface, but is optimized especially for one-handed operation in large screens.

The surface of the unique user interface is very minimalist. The user should not distract from his project when he uses his smartphone, the annoying elements are simply hidden.

Since today 's screens are always bigger than a few years ago, Samsung has found a solution to the problem, namely, that we are almost forced to run the same thing. two-handed device. The user interface One is divided into two areas, the viewing area and the interaction area.

The display area in the upper area allows to display the desired content, while the lower interaction area allows you to manage the various features of the supported applications without any problem with the thumb of the hand holding the hand.

In November of this year, Samsung promises a first beta version of One UI to US, Korean and German users. Here you can find all the information!

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