Netflix on the phone: the download feature gets an excellent update


On the netflixen mobile is in itself a good thing. However, the fun of streaming loads the volume of data – and users who are limited, can actually forget the videos. This was recognized by Netflix some time ago and an offline feature has been built that allows to download many titles via the Wi-Fi network.
Netflix now has a new one for the Android mobile application Feature that brings additional features to download series: the "Smart Downloads". If the user activates the feature, the downloaded episodes that have been viewed will be automatically deleted. However, the "smart downloads" only become really practical in the second step: as soon as the user reconnects to the WLAN with his mobile phone or his tablet, the Netflix application automatically downloads the next episode of the series . The user no longer has to handle long download lists and does not actively remember to download the next episode of his series before leaving the house.

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