Neureuther ski racer mocking against the marketing of sport – Sport News – Aktuelle Sportnachrichten



Following a rupture of the cruciate ligament, Felix Neureuther is making a comeback. Sport is not everything in the life of the ski star. He continues to think. He opens his mouth.

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Andreas Kornes

How is the knee?

Felix Neureuther: Actually pretty good. Although I am still under construction, because the muscles of the left thigh are still not at the level of a runner. For a few weeks, but it's much better. In the spring, I had to fight with a stubborn pollen allergy that I could not train before eight or nine weeks. But now I can be fully recharged.

The Bild newspaper recently presented the title "Matilda instead of medals". The article speculated that you could end your career if, in the winter, you realize that you are too disconnected from your family. How is it concrete?

Neureuther: I do not usually read such messages. Call mostly friends or sponsors, and then I'll just read it. I just wanted to say that the family comes first. The family has the highest priority. It's quite normal and I'm no different from others. But it is also clear, when I travel for three or four weeks and I can not concentrate entirely on skiing because I think of the little girl and would prefer to be with her and Miri, then I would have no Problem Say: Felix, now it's really smart, you stop. I come out of a serious injury, because the head must be even more complete, otherwise you can not do it. The fact is that I am fully motivated to come back. The current situation also has a special appeal

Where do you get your motivation to make a comeback again?

Neureuther: First of all, I want to go back to where I was before my injury. That's the motivation to do it at 34 years old. At this age, slalom is no longer the youngest. Bearing such a serious injury at such an age and then coming back is a difficult road – but also a special and attractive challenge.

Do you still count all your injuries and surgeries?

Neureuther: I stopped it. But I know it was my first tear of the cruciate ligament. For a rather unusual skier, such an injury is almost sporting in this sport. Although it was my sixth knee surgery, until here it was always only cartilage.

You are an athlete who also has an opinion on issues outside sport and who represents them openly. This sets you apart from most other athletes. What's motivating you?

Neureuther: Many athletes complain in small groups about the problems of their international sport. But that was all. I think it's a pity. Criticism may be, it depends only on how you express it. Everyone should open their mouths and try to change something. The sum of the statements then brings solutions. Despite the focus on sports, this should not be a barrier to performance. It's nonsense in my opinion. As an athlete, of course, the training is at the forefront and you put the training and the competition under all. Nevertheless, being an athlete is not just about training and competition, there are many other areas to work on. It's also difficult for me, but I'm also trying to grow my project "get the kids moving". For me, it is important to be able to look further and have left more than just medals and trophies. Sport is so ephemeral. If you stopped, you left quickly. Even your role model function is quickly gone.

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Felix Neureuther is popular and in the public eye. He wants to use this position to initiate social developments and thought processes.

Image: Ralf Lienert

Except for her mother Rosi Mittermaier, who is still the "Gold-Rosi" at the age of 67.

Neureuther: Yes, she has always been involved in other areas of life outside of sport. However, the 20 years old today do not know how my mother is used to skiing anymore. The sport has become so fast, the media landscape so extreme, we are quickly out of mind. I'm trying to make a difference, especially when it comes to my children's "Get Smart" project

. It's a side. The other is that you criticize the IOC again and again for what he did with the ideals of the Olympics.

Neureuther: The development of major events has become completely out of control. Where is sustainability? Sport is one of life's most important and sustainable contents and not only physically, but also mentally crucial for the whole world. Children have to move, people have to move, otherwise we will end up in a health disaster. The biggest sports festivals in the world should be dedicated to these goals, unfortunately they tend to go in the wrong direction. People must be able to support this unique product again. For this, the guidelines for the organizers must be totally new and focused on sustainability and not gigantism. Now you must act, otherwise it will be too late. We already see omens in our country and in many other Western countries, where people no longer want to confess to the Olympic Games in their own country. Sport must be at the forefront and not people who want to profile themselves on the sport. If I see how much the IOC or Fifa ignore these values, it makes me sad.

But there are also a lot of former athletes on the committees. They should know what to do ..

Neureuther: When former athletes are elected in such a body, many become normal. You get a position with many privileges that you do not want to miss anymore. Then it becomes difficult to express criticism or even hurt the worn system.

If you say your opinion, you must expect reactions. They are not always friendly.

Neureuther: Of course not. Sometimes the wind whistles. You must support this, but you must also be open to other arguments. You can never please everyone. I can only say what I think and what I am 100% convinced. Those who are a little informed, are similar. For this reason, sports positions in sport should only be fulfilled by people who come from sport and not for self-profiling, but for sport. I do not comment on tax policy either. I do not know myself But I think that when it comes to sports, I already have a glimpse, experience, and I know what I'm talking about.

How much courage does it take to say what he thinks?

Neureuther: In fact, this should be self-evident. Generally and in all areas of our society. But there are too few who have courage. For example, if you look at football interviews today, how many remained authentic? Answers are predictable, avoid problems and rest. This is also understandable, because media reactions are often completely covered and often taken out of context.

Many stars seem to live only for social media. They are followed by more than a million people on Facebook and Instagram. Are you impressed by this number?

Neureuther: I do not know why that is so much. But I would post the same picture or the same video if it was only five. It does not make any difference to me. This interview will also read a few more people, but you should not worry about it. This is not important to me either. I am not here to profile the number of my subscribers. I am always me. What I find impressive about social media is that you can make people laugh or think in one click. And: They learn everything from me, so firsthand.


Rosi Mittermaier and Christian Neureuther are the parents of Felix Neureuther.

Image: Harald Klofat

You also have the goal with your children's book project. The first was created with Bastian Schweinsteiger. In autumn, the second should come out. Who is the godfather this time?

Neureuther: Our national ice hockey team. They have been so incredibly successful at the Olympics with the silver medal. In addition, in my circle of friends many hockey players. It's a very good sport. It is also important for children to know that it is not just football. I am concerned in books by values ​​such as cohesion in a team. He is extreme in ice hockey. It's also a question of fairness, because in ice hockey it can be tough during the match, but then you shake your hand.

His own daughter Matilda is still a bit too small for nine-month books. But do you sometimes wonder what kind of world she is growing up in?

Neureuther: I often think about it. In which direction is the world going? For example, what about digitization in ten years, and what a beautiful childhood we had ourselves?

Do you sometimes have a feeling of helplessness?

Neureuther: Of course. You can only try to give values ​​to your child. But when you read in the morning what Trump said again that night that Europe is an enemy, then you wonder if he really understood that the world is not a war or a a competition. But for it to work as well as possible in the world.

Can you imagine going into (sports) politics after your career?

Neureuther: (laughs) I do not think I'll ever have anything to do with the IOC or the DOSB. For that, I've already said too many things that do not suit many civil servants. If I'm really convinced that it makes sense and that you can make a difference, of course, I'll make myself available. But in what direction it will be, will show. For example, I have a lot of contact with Max Hartung of German athletes, it is a kind of sports union. It just has to be more about the sport and the athletes. The most important thing about sports are emotions and rules. And both have unfortunately been trampled. Doping of subject. Major topics for which the taxpayer must pay. Billions of euros are taken and spent. Where is the money going?

You have also criticized the awarding of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing. Will we still see you there as an active participant?

Neureuther: The question is: can I go there and participate with a lot of enthusiasm? Live these great original Olympic thoughts? This will show. Olympia is something unique. However, the games are unfolding again in a country where people, where human rights are irrelevant and the sustainability behind the show. This whole thing went so bad. At that time, I also scolded farmers in Garmisch while they were against the Munich Olympic bid and did not want to donate their land. Now I have to say: I'm sorry, in some things you were right.

Personal Data: Felix Neureuther, 34, is the son of Rosi Mittermaier and Christian Neureuther, who were also ski racers. He is the German record holder with 13 wins in the World Cup. At the world championships, he won five medals – three in slalom, two in the team competition. At the 2010 Olympic Winter Games (Vancouver) and 2014 (Sochi), he finished eighth in the giant slalom. Neureuther is married to biathlete Miriam Neureuther (formerly Gössner). Girl Matilda was born in October 2017.

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