New heroine Ashe is now playable on the PTR


At BlizzCon 2018, the new Overwatch heroine was officially introduced. Ashe is now playable on the PTR Overwatch.

Ashe, Western Ganovin: The new Cinematic "Old Connaintances" was presented to Ashe at the BlizzCon. It is also playable on the PTR since Monday, November 5 around 21h20.

Ashe is an old acquaintance of the McCree Hero and the leader of the infamous Deadlock gang. Who exactly is Ashe and what she can learn in our article.

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Ashe on the PTR – skins and patch notes

New Hero and User Interface Review: With Ashe, a new fix has also appeared on the PTR Overwatch. This brought with new heroine Ashe only a change on the user interface. The "Unlock All" option in the Heroes Gallery has been disabled.

Overwatch new title hero Ashe 2

The skins of Ashe: Ashe also receives skins directly. She currently has four rare skins, two epics and two legendary skins. Here's what they look like:

As usual, rare skins are just another color of Ashe's usual behavior.

The epic Ashe skins have a few more details. The logos on Bob's back and on Ashe's Viper are changing.

The legendary Gangster and Mafia skins make Ashe a real mafia maid with a pantsuit.

The jungle and safari make Ashe an adventurer wearing a tidy hat and a jungle cannon.

When does Ashe arrive on the live server? Experience has shown that such tests take several weeks. The latest BlizzCon announcement about a hero, Moira, was playable 10 days after its release in PTR.

Ashe could arrive in about two weeks on the live server. We badume that Tuesday, November 13 or 20, will be the release date.

Are you happy with the new heroine? Do you want to play ashe? Join other fans of our Overwatch group and visit our Facebook page for more information and news on Overwatch.

After Ashe, come 6 other heroes, who are already planning. We already know one of them.

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