NHL: Ray Emery is dead – Adler Mannheim and Philadelphia Flyers in mourning


Terrible death in Canada

On Sunday morning (local time), former NHL goaltender Ray Emery was found dead in Hamilton Harbor, Canada. The exact circumstances of his death are so far unclear.

Apparently, the 35-year-old man was traveling with friends. "They went out for a swim, but unfortunately he did not show up," said investigator Marty Schulenberg at Hamilton Spectator

Immediately after the disappearance of 39 professional athlete, rescuers were dispatched. Their research did not bring any more positive results. An official cause of death is still missing, however, signs indicate drowning.

Emery known for his aggressive style of play

In 2001 Emery was drafted by the Ottawa Senators in the fourth round. In eleven years in the NHL, he has played for the Chicago Blackhawks, the Philadelphia Flyers and the Anaheim Ducks.

In 2007, the goalkeeper helped the Senators with his aggressive style of play for entry into the Stanley Cup finals. In 2013, he won, as a substitute for Corey Crawford, the Stanley Cup with the Blackhawks. His last club, the Philadelphia Flyers, paid tribute to Emery on social networks

In a statement, President Paul Holmgren said he was "stunned and extremely disturbed" by the death of the guardian.

The sorrow caused by the death of this 35-year-old man was also noticeable in the LED. 2016 played the guardian of Adler Mannheim, who expressed their consternation in a statement. Overall, he played for all eight Adler games.

His subsequent attempt to improve his career in the NHL failed.

Often, Emery was repelled by injuries in his career. His temperament on the ice was notorious. In 2007, he hit his opponent in the middle of an opponent's face. After serving his three-game suspension, he was directly involved in a mbad brawl at the next game.

Ray Emery was arrested last year for beating his former fiancé several times.

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