Nintendo Switch gets a VR headset – without VR


  Virtual reality on the switch? Well, almost ...

Virtual reality on the switch? Well, almost …
(© 2018)

In fact, Nintendo denies change with the VR trend. However, a new accessory will soon allow you to immerse yourself in virtual reality – at least that's what it looks like. In truth, the "Eye Theater" is another.

Two screens close to the eyes, glbades shape, bulky housing: All about the new hardware of the Japanese manufacturer Thanko indicates a pair of VR glbades for the Nintendo Switch. Only: without tracking the head and especially without VR compatible games that do not help much. At first glance, it becomes clear that the device is more intended to replace a home theater, as reported by NintendoLife.

"Eye Theater" puts a movie screen in your face

The "Eye Theater" is plugged in USB-C port of the connected Nintendo Switch and does nothing else than to transfer the. image of the console display to the two glbades screens. If you have the accessories on your nose, you should feel as if you were in front of a 120-inch screen – a pretty awesome experience based on the person's facial expressions on a product photo.

Schräges Switch Accessories from Japan

"Eye Theater" turns out to be a revolutionary use of the Switch (and other devices with a USB-C port, like smartphones), but it is doubtful : the resolution of 1280×800 pixels suggests a rather rocky experience. At the very least, it could make it easier to play with the console. All that is missing is an accessory that prevents the arms from slipping.

In Japan, the "Eye Theater" will be released in September for 22,780 yen (about 176 euros). It remains to be seen whether it will be available from us, but a European release is unlikely.

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