Todd Howard of Bethesda spoke in an interview about other aspects of gameplay from Fallout 76, the next online role-playing game by the creators of Fallout 4. In a world four times As big as the predecessor should be, players can always hope the possibility of a quick trip. In addition, beginners are spared: only after reaching level 5, they can die in PvP combat.
Since the presentation to E3 2018, the developers of Fallout 76 (now for 54.99 € purchase) repeatedly reveal little information about the next role-play online because the community of players also has a lot of questions. Because it represents the first game in the series, which is designed to interact with real people, not an exciting solo experience. Slowly, an image forms, for example, how the building of a base works. But what about Schnellreise as in the predecessors? After all, the card is four times larger than in its predecessor. The subject of PvP is still a sensitive subject for many potential players: can other players ruin their pleasure? Todd Howard, the director of the game Fallout 76 revealed in an interview with the Italian side multiplayer.it that newcomers can face the West Virginia post-apocalyptic player-versus-player battle.
Death in PvP for players below level 5
If you fancy PvP, you can try it up to level 5: Only then can it die.
Source: Bethesda
Those who are still at the very beginning, fresh out of the vault, have nothing to fear in PvP: Level 5 players can not die in PvP combat. In this way, they can get used to the unfamiliar mode and get an image of the fight against the other players in Fallout 76 without losing anything. In this way, for example, spawning frauds should be avoided, so targeted targets await newcomers who can not fight back because they have just started again. However, according to Todd Howard, this feature could be subject to change before its publication in November
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Those who do not want to prepare for long walks are welcome to breathe a sigh of relief: A quick trip to Fallout 76 will be possible . Closer to it, Todd Howard did not mention that, but this way, explorers are likely to safely return to their base after picking up tons of loot. If everything is connected to a cooldown remains to be seen. Mounts or vehicles will no longer exist as in the predecessors
Fallout 76 will be released November 14, 2018 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Before that, there should be a beta whose date is not yet established. More information about Fallout 76 can be found on our topic page
What do you think of these ads? Should PvP beginners be treated the same as others? Or is it a good measure against the unfair playing style? Write us in the comments!
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