"No law requires us to throw in front of Bayern Munich"


The Association of German Journalists responded to Bayern's mbadive criticism of the media. The patrons of the club had partly spoken to reporters personally. The president of DJV was clear then.

After Bayern's media reprimand, the German Association of Journalists has called for not coveting the champions of the record. "While journalists report on the football club, games and badociation officials, we are not dictated by the conference hall of the badociation," said Frank Überall, president of the badociation. Federal DJV. "I do not know of any law that requires us to play bowling in front of Bayern Munich."

On Friday, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Uli Hoeneß and Hasan Salihamidzic reportedly reported "derogatory", "disrespectful" and "malicious" reports and were the subject of complaints at a press conference.

"The legal measures taken by football leaders can calmly confront journalists," said Überall. This would be reported on the critical club, was quite appropriate. "It's up to the media to call a series of numbers this way."

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