No Man's Sky Receives Weekly Updates and Challenges with NEXT


Tomorrow, July 24, NEXT will launch the big multiplayer update for online gambling No Man's Sky . But what happens next? If it's up to the developer with weekly updates and free.

Face new challenges every week

Free updates are coming soon. Once NEXT has been installed, Hello Games wants to publish another small update for the online game every week. You get these fixes for free and they bring new content.


These challenges always take you to specific places in the galaxy. It's here that the new multiplayer aspect of the game comes into play. Because you have to team up with other players to complete the task successfully

Here's how the Weekly Challenges unfold in the sky of any man

The Galactic Atlas will take you to goal. With weekly updates, the galactic atlas is a new feature of the game. You will find it on a special website and it will always guide you to the next challenge. You will also get a glyph address for high speed portals to teleport near the target.

In addition, atlas players can mark their own interesting locations, to which other players then travel. A ranking is also included, honoring those who have been able to meet the challenges particularly well.

There are rewards. Complete a weekly challenge gives you rewards. What is, has not yet been revealed. Hello Games states that no microtransaction or loot is expected. The updates and awards of No Man's Sky are free of charge

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