Oliver Bierhoff sees errors in the treatment of Mesut Özil | TIME ONLINE


Oliver Bierhoff questioned the decision to nominate Mesut Özil after meeting with the Turkish President for the World Cup. "One should have wondered if it should be abandoned athletically," said the national team manager in an interview with World .

On the one hand, we are looking for players who follow their own path and make open and honest announcements. But Özil has failed to convince him "for a cause," Bierhoff said. He left open what exactly he meant by the "thing". Bierhoff also said that one country was watching his national team closely because he also showed his solidarity and his identification. "I know we've lost credit," Bierhoff said and announced changes. He will do everything to make sure that the team is "correctly presented".

Good football does not just depend on the outcome, he said. "People have a good sense for a homogeneous team, for pbadion and joy – and for a player's pride – they see if a player is proud to play for the national team and we have to recover, "said Bierhoff.

It should also be noted, "What's what, what about him?"
was planned for some obvious reasons
can not say, "said Bierhoff. Ilkay Gündogan spoke and
was also very open. Nevertheless, he is the same and continues to be hard
been criticized. "

Germans blame Özil for lack of loyalty

Before the World Cup, Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and took joint photos. As a result, many Germans indignantly accused the two men who lacked loyalty to the German national team. Both are grandchildren of Turkish immigrants.

After the meeting with Erdoğan, Gündogan repeatedly emphasized that he and Özil did not want to make any political statements with the images. "Because of our Turkish roots, we still have a very strong connection with Turkey," said Gündogan at the South Tyrol training camp. "But that does not mean that we have ever claimed that Mr. Steinmeier is not our president or that Ms. Merkel is not our chancellor." Özil stayed away from the mandatory media day at the training camp.

In addition, Özil and Gündogan discussed with the German Federal President. They also stressed their attachment to Germany. Gündoğan said: "Just as my parents' house is for me a home, Germany is clearly my country and my team today." Despite criticism, both players were nominated for the finals.

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