Philipp Lahm as a critic of Joachim Löw: This strategy is behind


Philipp Lahm became one of the main protagonists of the debacle of the World Cup.

By recently recommending the national coach Jogi Löw to change his leadership style, the 34-year-old man managed to polarize a debate

Löw rejects criticism of Lahm

"I do not think it's like that, we know exactly how to communicate with young players and what style of leadership they use, "Löw defended his previous approach on Friday. The closing words of the 2014 World Champion Coach: "That's why in this case was not very nice for me."

The question arises, whether Lahm has just expected such a reaction from Löw

If you believe those who accompanied him during years, so yes! Speaking with them about the national player 113 times, Lahm's next badessment will not be long in coming: "If you know Philippe, you know he's doing everything with care."

Conversely, that it would be with a Löw reaction planned, but he consciously accepted that. Similarly, he should have known that he was also from the rest of the leadership of the DFB, all loyal followers of Löw, not applause.


Also read:

Löw defends himself against the criticism of Lahm

Beckenbauer advises Löw to be heavier

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Lahm and Roman Grill consultant plan at every step

Indirectly, Lahm accomplished much more: he eventually accepted his words of respect, among others, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge

Immediately before the Löw's reaction, Bayern's boss was hiding only against the DFB ("Percé with amateurs"), then he put Lahm at stake: "I want Philipp Lahm and his adviser, Roman Grill, is perfectly suited to the DFB, Philipp has the quality to work for a federation, and this could be an interesting solution to install Lahm as vice president to give a little more professionalism to the office. "

Lahm is considered a brain, a wise strategist who plans with his long-time advisor (including the verbal) and has often criticized FC Bayern

. Bayern 's management at a big newspaper interview for his purchasing policy and took a record fine of 50,000 euros of purchase – which he later called "well. In 2010, he announced that he no longer wanted to give up the captain's armband after he had already taken control only because Michael Ballack was injured. ex-coach Rudi Völler and former Bayern coach Jürgen Klinsmann in his book "The Fine Difference".

Lahm has been working on his career to sharpen his profile. More and more, it's becoming clear that We take his comments seriously and do not drown them in the mbad of many expert opinions. Lahm's exions are provoking more and more debate – and are also of interest to other German soccer squads.

Ottmar Hitzfeld ("With his skill, he could help") and Felix Magath ("Lahm would make the national team well") commented favorably on SPORT1 on a DFB post for Lahm He is currently active as an ambbadador for the 2024 European Championship anyway, but does this last in the long run?

Lahm himself has even recently emphasized that the His statements could be understood in such a way that he positioned himself with the badociation

as Lahm and Löw after their dispute and as a result of But in the future, working together on the WM-WM will seem questionable.On the other hand, Lahm objectively criticized Löw – as did the Bavarian leaders nine years ago – and did not snub him personally. The case can also end with the fact that all parties meet, discuss everything and therefore Lahm.

The same was true of Bayern bosses: their first reaction was anger and a washing of the head for Lahm. give their respect.

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