Pokémon GO: Now there is more room for Pokémon storage


To celebrate Pokémon GO's birthday, there is now more Pokémon in your pockets

Many new monsters: In Pokémon GO, you want to collect as many different species as possible. Niantic developers are adding new shapes, like Alola-Pokémon, or a whole new generation. So there is always something new to achieve. However, you can not keep all the monsters you have captured.

Some seats: Coaches have a backpack with limited seating in Pokémon GO. Now the limit has been increased by 500 places. You can update with items in the store.

Now up to 2000 seats for Pokémon

Birthday with more space: In the summer of 2018, Pokémon GO is 2 years old. This is celebrated in the game with special Pikachu, Celebi and an expansion of the retention of Pokémon at 2000. The Pokémon GO team announced it on the official website of Pokémon

  Pokémon GO Square

Trainers are satisfied: Comments on the extended seat are positive in social media.Coachers are happy to catch more monsters and regain some space in their pockets

  Pokémon GO Kanto Week

Others are surprised: All coaches did not scratch the limit of Pokémon, others wonder why you have more than 1000 monsters.This is due to the different styles of coaching game. Mbad revolutions and collect hundreds of Taubsi develop while Lucky Eggs are active.

To top off these many monsters, you must have plenty of room in your backpack. Of course, some have already had problems there. In addition, more and more Shinys and other special monsters come into play.

And you: Have you been on the Pokemon retention limit, or do not you need to 2000 seats for your monsters? fill with a lot of Schiggy – our guide to the community day in Pokémon GO with Schiggy

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