Predecessor for Julian Nagelsmann: RB Leipzig has a US coach in sight – Bundesliga season 2017/18


What a strange looking coach! Leipzig needs a predecessor for Julian Nagelsmann (30) …

Nagelsmann will only take over in the summer of 2019. Who represents the training of Today begins on the course?

The new is in AnMARSCH. Jesse Marsch (44) from New York Red Bulls is supposed to do it. The American is already in Leipzig

The only question: what work must he do?

Sports director Ralf Rangnick (60) has to decide: does he walk to the boss or his badistant?

Rangnick wants to avoid duplication and double burden. On the other hand, he wants to give Nagelsmann 2019 the participation in the Champions League. With Bundesliga starters in March, this could be a risk

Oliver Mintzlaff (42) and Ralf Rangnick deliberated until late in the evening

Who is Mister March?

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Photo: Susann Friedrich

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Ralf Rangnick is facing a difficult decision: is he spending a year in double charging or is he leading a Bundesliga person to the helm? Photo: Susann Friedrich

The ex-professional (two international) especially to Oliver Mintzlaff a very tight line. He had brought him to New York in January 2015.

In the first season, he was elected "coach of the year". Over the past three years, he has twice led New York (2015, 2016) to the Eastern Conference win and later to the playoffs of the Conference Final (semifinals of the championship)

(including including Thierry Henry) to a troupe of young talents.

► Lars Kornetka (40) comes from Leverkusen as an badistant coach. He replaces Zsolt Löw (39), who moves to Paris St-Germain. RB cash 1.5 million redemption.

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