Public administration: Finanzverwaltung Niedersachsen moves from Linux to Windows


In 2006, the financial administration of the state of Lower Saxony went from the Sun Solaris system then to the free Linux system of Susa, of German origin. Like the city of Munich, the tax authorities of Lower Saxony are now planning to say goodbye to Linux on client systems, as well as a migration of about 13,000 workstations to a current Windows system. This is apparent from the draft budget of the State of Lower Saxony for the coming year

Labor Market

  1. SAACKE GmbH, Bremen
  2. Gira Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG, Radevormwald [19659005] A spokesman for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Finance confirmed the magazine Heise. From these plans. According to the draft budget, 5.9 million euros will be allocated to migration in 2019 and 7 million euros for each of the following years. How many years will the work take in total, is currently unknown. In the case of the comparable migration of workstations from Linux to Windows in the city of Munich, managers expect a period of at least four years and an investment of nearly 50 million. for . 19659006] The latter is also the target given to the tax authorities in Lower Saxony. In the draft budget, it says: "The unification of previous workstation systems should simplify procedures and facilitate the development of software in the fiscal consensus alliance" . The consensus group means the cooperation of the federal and state governments in coordinating the software development of different tax authorities.

    Completely amazing, the migration to Windows does not come. Already in the coalition agreement (PDF) of the SPD Lower Saxony and the CDU: "We will abandon the Linux operation under Linux, with the aim of facilitating transnational cooperation and l 39; programming and development effort Reducing procedural support ".

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