"Pussy Riot" after the World Cup final in police custody | TIME ONLINE


The Russian politpunk band "Pussy Riot" has a
Spectacular protest with four riders at the final of the
World Cup football
recovered for itself. Four like Russian
Police disguised activists and activists ran Sunday night second Sunday
Half-time of the final between France and Croatia (4: 2) on the
Playground and so planned for a short break. "Shared Pussy Riot"
on her Facebook page with
that she uses the action on the
Draw attention to human rights violations in Russia
wanted to. The stadium was also the Russian president
Vladimir Poutine.

The Moscow authorities
kept largely covered in the case. The Ministry of the Interior
According to confirmed agencies, the arrest of three women and one
Man. Later, the police said that they had administrative penalties of
up to 200,000 rubles (about 2,700 euros) or 160 hours non-profit
Work for the car is requested. The member of "Pussy Riot" Olga Kurakhjova said that she was on
been involved in the turmoil and will now be on a
Detained police station.

Video of police interrogation triggers criticism

The Internet has circulated
Video in which would have been seen the interrogation of two activists
should be. According to the anti-government portal meduza.io
in this one an interrogator, who should not be seen, where they made the uniforms
have. "Praised," said one of the detainees. The interrogator said
Annoyed: "Sometimes I regret that we are not the year
37 have. Sometimes I regret it. "The video was not
check independently. Internet users have criticized it as a sign
d & # 39; intolerance.

1937 was the time of the so-called Great
Terror under the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. The phase was marked by
Mbad arrests and deportations. Hundreds of thousands of people
affected. Many were shot or sent to labor camps (Gulag).

Punk Group "Pussy Riot" has always been in the past
The Kremlin's critical actions staged in public places. 2012 was the
Group became known as three activists after a "punk prayer"
were arrested in a church. They were out for "hooliganism
religious hatred ", but later forgiven.

The four
The Speedsters are happily waving in the middle of their uniform dress
The finals ran in the course but were quickly removed
Security people caught. The Argentine referee Nestor
Pitana did not seem to notice the car at first, stopped
but then play for a short time. An activist succeeded
to applaud with French superstar Kylian Mbappé.

"Pussy Riot" calls for more political competition

Flitzeraktion they called: "The policeman comes into play". "Four
The members of Pussy Riot in the final of the World Cup ", he
Write the group. Among other things, activists demanded that
political prisoners are released and there are no arrests
There are more at rallies. In addition, they wrote that the country needs more
political competition.

The action throws at the end of the
Russian organizers and the FIFA World Federation effusive
famous World Cup on Russia. FIFA had the tournament
called the best World Cup. President Vladimir Putin declared
After the final, Russia can be proud. Many foreign fans
have now met Russia and their opinion about the country
exchange. "This too is an important result (the World Cup)," said Putin.

have repeatedly pointed out that the colorful street carnival of
foreign fans and the ease of the police and the authorities in the treatment
with exuberant celebrations in the streets only temporary
The apparitions
are. After the World Cup, it's over, many appreciate.

This was followed by "Pussy Riot" with a video after the action.
"Dear friend, you probably know that Russia is not a constitutional state
"said an activist whose face was covered with a mask.
Another without a mask read: "The World Cup is great.
how the police can be in Russia. "Afterwards, they claimed
she made her requests previously asked.

Croatian fans arrested in Stuttgart

France wins for the second time
FIFA World Cup.
In the final against Croatia on Saturday
the French in Moscow with four to two goals across and
took over the title after 1998. In Paris flocked
the final whistle on the boulevard des Champs-Elysées.
Hundreds of thousands have also celebrated in other French cities
Football fans win.

55 Croatian fans were temporarily arrested at parties in Stuttgart. They did not follow the instructions of the police and
also used pyrotechnics, said a police spokesman on
Sunday night. Five police officers suffered in the use of light
Injuries. In the city center followed about 7,000 Croatian fans
the final of their national team against France. In Baden-Wuerttemberg live more than 100,000 Croatians
Citizens – this is more than in any other state.

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