Radeon graphics cards in alpha faster than Geforce


The Alpha Battlefield 5 is over and it's turned out to be an interesting thing: the game was running with a Radeon RX 580 significantly faster than it was. with a Geforce 1060 – and Although Battlefield 5 is a game optimized for Geforce maps. Nvidia has a lot of optimization work to do with developer Dice.

If a game is optimized for a particular graphics card brand, then you should think that it works best on these cards. In the Alpha of the shooter online Battlefield 5 (buy now for 54.99 €) however, showed a different picture. This worked on Radeon Cards better than on Geforce Cards .

On the following test system, the Battlefield Alpha 5 was formerly played with a Radeon RX 580 and then with a Geforce 1060:
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, Asus RoG games STRIX X470-I, Corsair H100i v2, 16GB G.Skill Sniper X DDR4, Corsair HX1200i, Philips BDM3275.

It turned out that the GeForce 1060 is at 1080 resolution averaging 45 fps (in DX 11). However, the Radeon RX 580 could reach 68 fps. It's a big difference. Apparently, AMD still benefits from the fact that its predecessor Battlefield 1 has been optimized for Radeon cards.

Radeon graphics cards are faster in Battlefield 5 under DirectX 12 than the competition Geforce

this performance under DirectX 12 was worse than under DirectX 11. About nine percent of fps lost the game when DX 12 has been activated. In 2014, DirectX 12 was introduced and was intended, among other things, to improve performance in games.

Nvidia and Dice still have some work to do to optimize the Battlefield 5 for Geforce graphics cards released in October.

Source: PCGamesN


Battlefield 5: Closed-Alpha Video Clip

  In Alpha Battlefield 5, Radeon graphics cards were faster than Geforce. (1)

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