Rage 2 – the happy developers of the leak, Fallout 76 big competition


  Rage 2 was reported by a leak. The developers are now happy with the consequences of the data leak. Rage 2 was reported by a leak. Meanwhile, developers are happy with the consequences of the data leak.

The first missed appearance of Rage 2 by a leak did not cause any concern to the developers. Tim Willits, head of the software studio, told Gamesindustry.biz positively about the premature announcement. The timing was, according to Willits, "not really bad for us" and drew enough attention to the shooter's aftermath.

Walmart Canada had the existence of the title alongside other games like Just Cause 4 and Gears of War 5 E3 2018 accidentally revealed. However, Rage 2 should be presented to the public for the first time before the video game fair.

The leak would have just mustered the marketing plan, says Willits. "Everything went so well that some journalists thought we had planned, but no, we did not plan that."

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Colorful Apocalypse

The reason for an announcement before the E3 can be found in the publisher's own house. Because for studio head Bethesda Fallout 76 is currently the biggest stumbling block, which must be overcome. In an interview, Willits describes online role-playing as " 55,000-ton Gorilla ". Therefore, one did not want to present his project in the shadow of a Fallout ad and maybe go under the hustle and bustle. But in his opinion, both games are doing well by their different approaches to the later apocalypse

"That's why I've positioned it as a post-apocalyptic game, out of the way." We have tried to develop the game, beyond the 50 shades of brown in Rage and Mad Max [Avalanche, die Co-Entwickler von Rage 2 arbeiteten zuvor an Mad Max , Anm. d. Red.].

So we really care about the colors, the dynamism of the characters, characters, history and of course marketing We made ours, which we did very well. "

Rage 2 – Screenshots ansehen

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The loading breaks of the first part are outdated

In the following of the interview, the developer talks about the popularity of the approximate vision and lawless of the future in the wastelands. You do not need to explain this setting to players for long, they understand it right away and you can always put up sci-fi stuff, Willits says. By that, he means weapons and crazy creatures that simply belong to the DNA of id Software.

"We can have these high fantasy, sci-fi and action-on-the-top experiences in a world with People can not feel a direct connection, but they can more easily be safe. to identify that with any extraterrestrial world, we do not have to explain buildings, roads, and all that, people understand it and they travel with us. 19659016] For Rage 2 we want to learn from the mistakes of the first part and this time does not severely separate the shooter from the vehicle's levels by loading time.Using the Avalanche technique, the Apex engine, both aspects have to be connected from seamlessly in the open world .The first rage was then based on the identifier of the graphic engine Tech 5.

The so-called megatextures engine were presented before publication as a special graphic innovation. However, when Rage officially appeared, the shooter was plagued by some technical problems. The advertised megatextures shone on closer inspection rather than retail poverty. If Rage 2 is in a better spell, players will be able to experience it on PC, PS4 and Xbox One in the spring of 2019.

  Rage 2 - E3 trailer shows 7 minutes of wild shoot in the wastelands [19659019] 6:54
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<span clbad= Rage 2 – E3 trailer shows 7 minutes of wild shootings in uncultivated lands

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