Reception of the Croatian team: "Everything is filled with love, happiness and joy"


Zagreb –

All those who have been waiting for hours in the main square of Zagreb under the hot sun and who are still waiting for hours, raise their hands in the air. They shape hearts. On a banner, we read: "That's how you like it". The Croats came to the capital of all regions of the country in the aftermath of the lost World Cup final to give a unique welcome to their hero placed in second place.

As unique as the performance of this football team is. As unique as the joy in which she has transferred the whole country. "You see so much positive energy, everything is full of love, happiness and joy.They have united the people.That is what we have been waiting for so many years, said Bojana, born in 1991. Born in the war that lasted until 1995.

A night of happiness

Croatia shows heart, not just the day after the final. "You have us made proud, brave heart. They lost the match, but they conquered the world, "rightly right liberal Jutarnji List, one of the most widely read media, said.

How the players fought three times in the World Cup World, the president in the pouring rain Moscow the footballer in a hurry, as the fans celebrated in Croatia despite the defeat, no tears, no riots, just a night of luck. used only five of its 56 pages for non-World Cup topics the day after the final: obituaries, TV program, cultural program and a beach sports page with water polo 19659008] And now, a hundred thousand of people are standing on Ban Jelacic Square, singing, "The world is with us now. My home, my homeland has the power of golden wheat, the color of the eyes of the sea, my country Croatia. "Moja Domovina, my homeland, the song was recorded in 1991 by a fusion of many Croatian musicians.

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A wave of excitement

The team is still in the air at this time, later on the plane with the inscription "Bravo Vatreni" will thunder on the center- city ​​two military aircraft in escort. A wave of enthusiasm on the ground. Marko Perkovic Thompson then climbs onto the track in the bus that travels the 17 kilometers to downtown walking. Perkovic is widely regarded, especially abroad, as proof that a heart can not only feel love, but also hate it.

He uses his nickname Thompson to designate a submachine gun. "Bojna Cavoglave", her ode to her native village, sounds like a call to war. Serbs do not come out well. In another song, the Jews are the bad guys. His appearances were banned in several EU countries

The organizers of the reception in Zagreb did not seem to have planned with Perkovic, but the footballers prevailed. "This is the desire of Croatian footballers," said the singer's manager on the portal The national football badociation HNS put the pressure on

The patriotism of football is not without drawbacks

There is a video of the cabin after the victory of the preliminary round against the l 39; Argentina where some players sing the song Perkovic "Bojna Cavoglave". This is preceded by the hello, the fascist Ustasha, who led Croatia during the Second World War. "Za drom" (for the house), "spremni" (ready). This has awakened memories of 2013.

After the national team has qualified in Zagreb with a win against Iceland for the World Cup in the meantime, defender Josip Simunic called the salute of Ustascha five times in the stadium microphone. sentenced in Croatia to a fine of 3200 euros, by the World Football Federation, Fifa, ten times the amount – and for the 2014 World Cup blocked. After that, he was employed until 2017 as an badistant coach at the national team. Even in Croatia, the patriotism of football is not without drawbacks. Sometimes turns into dangerous nationalism. When does pride in itself become hatred for others?

When Serbian Wimbledon winner Novak Djokovic expressed his wish for Croatia to win the World Cup, he was mbadively attacked in his country by many politicians. The Croatian international Ivan Rakitic took the party of the holiday. The same Rakitic, who then posted a photo with Perkovic on the internet during the bus ride to Zagreb, that he signs with words that say, in a nutshell, that the king has arrived. Let's go to Croatia


A sea of ​​red-white-blue: hundreds of thousands of supporters celebrate their national team on Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb

The streets and alleyways are blocked

become . On Ban Jelacic Square, you can not see any Ustascha insignia on the thousands of flags, but written with felt memory pillars at the greatest moment of the country's sports history, for example: "World Cup Final 15 7. 2018 ".

The side streets and alleys of the lower town are blocked, people are stuck up to the cathedral. They sing songs at home that highlight the beauty of Croatia and the benefits of love. And again and again Moja Domovia. "We are the winners of friendship," said Bojana, a native of Zagreb, Zagreb, at noon

The bus with the national team sneaks on the uninhabited kilometers between the airport and Zagreb. So many people flock to the streets, applauding with Luka Modric, the captain who was voted best footballer of the tournament at the World Cup.

And not only from all over Croatia, people came. Also from Austria and Switzerland. Even during the finale, the dialect of their country of birth could be heard everywhere. In their hearts also burns Croatian fire, which gave its name to the national team: Vatreni, the Fiery.

"White-red, on the shirt you remember me to love, play for her, our beloved", is another line of songs that resonates again and again across Zagreb today. Croatians love sport because it is an area where people's abilities are important, not their contact book.

It's special in a country where nepotism determines the way things work. In the Corruption Index of Transparency International, Croatia ranks 58th out of 179 countries, compared to 12 in Germany

Sport as a means of earning bread

The average annual income is 11,000 euros against 40 000 euros. Youth unemployment is the fourth highest in Europe with 23%.

But the numbers are one thing, faith is the other. Many Croats have high hopes of joining the European Union and now, things are getting better. But since 2013, nothing has improved in the eyes of many, more than two-thirds believe, according to a survey, that their home is not politically and economically in the right direction. Not having a chance is a depressing feeling. "Sport is a way to make a living or even make a living abroad," said the former Croatian-born international and national coach born in Berlin. Niko Kovac writes before the final in the FAZ. "This forms a strong inner motivation for young athletes," added FC Bayern coach

Power and Money

Athletics, skiing, tennis, basketball, handball, water polo – it does not make a difference. There is virtually no sport in which Croatia is not among the best in the world. Now also in football. The most important sport here.

But football is not so innocent, because when it comes to power and money, there is also the temptation to cheat. In June, Zdravko Mamic was sentenced to six and a half years in prison for embezzling 15 million euros and tax evasion for 1.6 million euros. Mamic escapes detention in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he also has Bosnian nationality.

Mamic, with his brother, spent decades controlling the fortunes of Dinamo Zagreb, champion of the Croatian series. The sale of stars such as Luka Modric, Mario Mandzukic and Ivica Olic and contractual clauses guaranteeing part of the player's salary have earned the Mamic clan millions of dollars

The Mamic trial was also preceded by a investigation of the new popular Luka hero. Modric added. Due to misrepresentation. He had tried to protect the former president of Dinamo. And not only in Croatian football, and in Mamic politics is well connected, especially with the national conservative HDZ party of Prime Minister Plenkovic. President Grabar-Kitarovic, who left the party because of his position, is well known to him. He organized a dinner for them

As loud as a tiger

It began to rain in Zagreb. For five hours, players are celebrated in the streets. "Tomorrow, it will be so difficult to come back to reality," Boyana smiles. For two days and two nights, people in Croatia have forgotten all the problems and worries. Danced and sung before happiness. Probably never in the history of sport was a nation so proud of defeat.

The night after the lost final, one of the dancers in the streets of the upper medieval city of Zagreb talked about tigers. The young people of Croatia take this month's World Cup feeling of being strong as a tiger. Not aggressive or aggressive.

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