Reinhard Grindel is embarrassed by contradictions


Reinhard Grindel is a man who knows how advertising works.

The president of the DFB was a journalist, including as editor in ZDF after which he served in the Bundestag. twice as a direct victorious candidate from his constituency in Lower Saxony.

The 56-year-old man knows the mechanisms of the media, what words and images do to the public, how to define the themes

. Subject Özil, has increased pressure on the national player criticized

The side effect of the action: He also put Grindel himself in the spotlight. And perhaps more than the media professional liked the resignation claims

against Grindel

His ultimatum to Mesut Özil, he should finally please explain to the Erdogan case publicly, now even Grindel in the crossfire.

The green politician Cem Özdemir accused him and the director of the DFB Oliver Bierhoff in 19459005 before "to push even deeper into the criticism of nonsense." 39; Özil ", instead of" now determined against the unfortunately also clearly racist ".

The Central Council of Muslims called on Grindel and Bierhoff to resign, otherwise the DFB boss's echo is devastating in many ways. Even friend of the party of the CDU, Armin Laschet, after all prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, he ridiculed him.

The overall impression is that Grindel is looking for and finding a scapegoat for the German World Cup. What comes back to him, especially since his previous behavior in the Erdogan affair is full of contradictions

First critical, so do you cover? 19659007] When the photo of Özil and Ilkay Gündogan with the Turkish president in May went public, Grindel reacts at first clearly, practiced a relatively harsh criticism of the players: they had let Erdogan for " Electoral maneuvers "have the integration work of the DFB" certainly not helped. "

After that, however, did Grindel what all the other officials of the DFB. They tried to cover themselves on the subject

On May 19, Grindel met Özil, Gündogan, DFB manager Oliver Bierhoff and national coach Joachim Löw. Sent a photo around the world, wrote: "The two badured us that they did not want to send any political signal with the action."

Clear message from media professional Grindel: Criticism justified, but now is also good. 19659002] "I hope that the DFB team can now focus on the sports preparation for the 2018 World Cup."

Debate over, open debate

The signal was "Case Done" – but in reality In an interview with Zeit he asked in mid-June, shortly before the start of the World Cup : "Do you seriously believe that Mesut Özil and Ilkay Gündogan are our real problem in Germany?" [19659002] And expressly protected the duo: "The two of them said that out of respect for the president and their parents' house and grandparents, they could not escape this meeting. "

That was not correct – Emre Can could finally – but Grindel's got stuck anyway. Özil and Gündogan could only to a certain extent blame others: "It was irresponsible to bring players into this difficult conflict of interest tolerable."

The statements made at that time do not match the current: Grindel is now talking about open issues, the badociation would have to Özil. Before that, he had given the impression that the issues had long been resolved.

Regarding the subject of Özil, Grindel now has a reputation that was already attached to him. "Flexible Opinion" called him two years ago in mirror an anonymous Bundesliga manager, in this sense, now title Süddeutsche Zeitung : "The agile president."

Grindels Özil's turnaround returned to the line of fire from which he tried to get him out first.

"Multiculturalism is in the Truth"

The Daily Mirror ransacked a speech in 2004 on Wednesday. At that time, the CDU delegate to the German Bundestag said: "Multiculturalism is in truth Kuddelmuddel."

It is "lies in life" because multiculturalism has created in many circles the monoculture. "In cities, there are too many" foreign behaviors that lead to Slavery. "

For Özcan Mutlu Grindel, a green politician, even then," pure speech of the AFD, before there was this party ".

His speech in front of the Bundestag against dual citizenship planned for young people from immigration four years ago an open letter of protest from several members of DFB at the top of the badociation.

It states among others, Grindels "The executions were Stammtischparolen" and were "warned."

In the opinion of his critics, this has changed little. [ad_2]
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