Resident Evil 2 – Reissue with Undead Surprises


  Leon's knife breaks, but not our love! Too often, the hero should rather not be hugged by his opponents. Leon's knife breaks, but not our love! Too often and too often, the hero should rather not be hugged by his opponents.

In 1996, under the title Biohazard, a rather obscure Japanese PlayStation game confronting members of a special unit with monsters and zombies in an abandoned mansion. What looks first to Trash, under the Western title Resident Evil (from the copyright on the American band "Biohazard") to a great success for the publisher Capcom.

The previous by rather crude works like Alone in the Dark relief survival horror becomes acceptable thanks to atmospheric rendering graphics, fast tempo of the game and interesting story. The PlayStation players (later the coup also exists for other systems) were scared, disgusted and intrigued by an abstract story about zombies and gene manipulation

No wonder that a sequel was published in 1998, not only on the first album but also does one to two larger numbers. Resident Evil 2 has its predecessor setting the genre resembling a cheap B-Movie with more speed, more action, more splatter, and even better graphics

What's funny, since Part One's Adventure Mansion is basically nothing different wanted as the sum of the B horror movies that served as inspiration. The rest is history – now we have arrived at Resident Evil 7, and the series continues to be very popular.

In January 2019, almost 21 days after the release of the original, Capcom released a lavish remake of the clbadic which can even take a stubborn Resident Evil 1.5 item. We watched the reissue and tell you if you can expect a putrid video corpse, remotely revived or a modern and awesome horror monster.

And who wants to know more about how the horror works – and what games almost shocked our editors to death – our detailed article recommends what psychological tips scare us game developers.

  Quite crazy, this piece of furniture in the lobby. You understand. Because Capcom makes them crazy, to make the architecture more meaningful ... okay, no more stupid jokes. Enough crazy, this piece of furniture in the lobby. You understand. Because Capcom makes them crazy to make the architecture more meaningful … okay, no more silly jokes.

Familiar and different

Our preliminary version starts right in the lobby of the Raccoon Police Department. The reception, the statue with the fountain just behind, and of course the lobby, which is unusually large for a police station – everything is completely redesigned on the basis of the Resident Evil 7 engine, yet we feel immediately at home.

the same area we went into the original after the bloody intermezzo in the firearms shop and the subsequent escape of residents mutated to the zombies of the US city of Raccoon City. However, the developers have meticulously reconstructed previous rendering backgrounds with polygons. Just as lost as in 1998, Leon S. Kennedy stands in the deserted hall and realizes that he is here today, where he will spend his first day working at the R.P.D.

  Remake Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2

  Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2

"I am Leon S. Kennedy, a powerful policeman!" – Once in the original, once in the remake

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