Retrofit smartphone apps in the car – Business News


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Cologne (dpa / tmn) – It does not have to be a new car at Apple CarPlay,
Get Android Auto or MirrorLink in your own car – the usual systems for mirroring mobile content and applications on the car screen can also be adapted.

For newer cars, the function can be adapted to the existing entertainment system. "At Volkswagen, for example, the modernization of some models from 2016 is possible," says ADAC spokesman Christian Buric. And the director of the Automobile Club Verkehr (ACV), Holger Küster, adds: "In the meantime, every car manufacturer offers vehicle models whose systems support the applications of the factory."

But even older cars are not to be excluded. "A prerequisite is a standardized radio tree in the vehicle," explains Küster. Most of the time, a double DIN groove in the instrument carrier is necessary, so that the devices, which orient themselves with the display size of the original equipment of the car manufacturer , are also suitable. For example, Kenwood, Pioneer, Sony, Alpine or Zenec offer embedded systems for special types of vehicles.

In part, these devices, also called Navitainers, Naviceivers or Infotainers, mimic the design of the original. Often, they are at the same time the sound system, the GPS, the radio and the TV receiver in one and can take control of the air conditioning or seat heating. The LCA advises the detailed consultation and verification of the vehicle in a specialized company.

It must be ensured in advance that the steering wheel of the radio and other functions remain usable and that the display in the badpit screen after the Installation continues to work, for example to display navigation instructions. Do not forget: Even the smartphone itself must be compatible – which sometimes already an update of the current operating system is enough.
According to the manufacturer, Apple CarPlay basically works only from the iPhone 5.

Technically speaking, new features come into the car, which go beyond simply coupling the cell phone via the Bluetooth interface. In addition to phone and music playback, messaging services such as Whatsapp or iMessage can be used. The messages are read aloud, answered by voice recognition, navigation via the smartphone becomes possible. The songs in the mobile music collection are also displayed in the clbady mobile operating system such as podcasting application buttons or Spotify or SoundCloud streaming services.

Compatible devices can be found from 300 euros. get closer to the original manufacturer and costs well over 1000 euros. When it comes to money, it should be remembered that most applications require an Internet connection, which requires a mobile phone contract with adequate data volume and of course a stable network. It is not recommended to support the installation by yourself – unless you have specific knowledge.

But how much does infotainment make sense? Keyword risk of accident due to distraction. For example, a survey showed that talking in the car with and without hands-free distractions to the same extent, because one has not only with mechanical but a high proportion of mental distraction to do, says Siegfried Brockmann accident research insurers ( UDV).

"This mental distraction remains with the renovation solutions." He admits, however, that their operation is less risky than typing while driving on the smartphone. Even the boss of ACV, Küster, is zwiegespalten: "Even though the technology is safer, as if the phone was taken in the hand, she was inviting by the improved usability and availability of different applications to use them more more."

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