Robert Harting – Dramaturg with Discus – Sport


The disc launcher Robert Harting provides the officials with the third place in Nuremberg just enough arguments to nominate him for the home-based European Championships in Berlin. Brother Christoph is enough for a scoring title.

By Joachim Mölter, Nuremberg

The entry of the Colossi at the Max Morlock stadium in Nuremberg took place on Saturday at 5:35 pm, half an hour before the start of their fight. At the start of the 17 discusers, Olympic champion Christoph Harting wandered around, smiling and chatting, but finally his brother Robert, also an Olympic champion, was visibly tense.

All about Christoph, 27, the youngest of the two Harting brothers Almost nothing at these German championships – the best of the year here in Germany (67.59 meters) has already been nominated for the Championships Europe in his hometown of Berlin (August 6 to 12) by the German Federation of Athletics (DLV), he had nothing to prove, Unlike six years older Robert. The best German athlete of the millennium has completed his career this year, and he wants to do it with a performance at the European Championships, at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, where he started his triumphal procession with the victory at the World Cup of 2009.

only after several knee injuries Robert Harting is no longer the dominant bowler that he was at his wedding between 2009 and 2014. That's before the title, four German record players were better than him. But at most three can participate in Berlin. Robert Harting was under great pressure, but Idriss Gonschinska, DLV's sports director, had told him before the event: "He has often succeeded in such pressure situations, he can cope with it."

Robert Harting delivered the DLV Officials just enough arguments to call him in the team at the appointment meeting on Monday. Although he ranks fifth in the standings, but at the championships, in direct comparison of all the candidates, he has seized third place with 63.92 meters. The title went to Christoph Harting, enough for a throw, 66.98 yards in the first round, and then leaned back relaxed and watched as the competition fought over the remaining spots. Olympic bronze medalist Daniel Jasinski (Wattenscheid) took second place with 64.82; Magdeburgers Martin Wierig (63.72) and David Wrobel (62.67) are likely to finish fourth and fifth in the European Championship seat distribution, even though they have already met the standard during this season.

Das mit The expected excitation duel Lückenkemper against Pinto precipitates

But Robert Harting is now difficult to pbad, although a decision was officially announced until next Wednesday, when the 17 members of the Bundesleistungsausschuss of the DLV advised the entire team, In any event, the athletics coaches of the badociation decided to nominate the best placed Nuremberg, "regardless of the distances reached here", explained Gonschinska. Robert Harting himself also reported opportunities for improvement immediately after the competition: "I am not satisfied with myself today," he said; he will be able to ignore him if he is allowed to participate in the European Championships at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

While the men's discus competition promised excitement, several other competitions did not meet expectations. The expected duel between the best sprinters of the 100 meters between defending champion Gina Lückenkemper (Leverkusen, 11.07 seconds this summer) and her predecessor Tatjana Pinto (Paderborn / 11.11) has been canceled anyway because they were already in favor of the Pinto, nominated to the MS, decided to run only in his team. Lückenkemper is required in 11.15 seconds.

After all, there were some surprises: the triple jumper Neele Eckhardt (Göttingen) dethroned the winner of Chemin Kristin Gierisch (14,15) with his best of 14,21 meters and the young 100- Meter sprinter Kevin Kranz (20 years old, Wetzlar) the veteran Julian Reus (30, Erfurt) in 10.28 at 10.32 seconds. As for Pamela Dutkiewicz, third in the Wattenscheid World Cup, who broke the world record in 12.69 seconds, she achieved the best performance of the day.

On Sunday, gladiators will again move into the Nuremberg Arena: Javelin thrower Johannes Vetter (Offenburg / 92.70 meters), Andreas Hofmann (Mannheim / 92.06) and Thomas Röhler (Jena / 91 , 78) are currently number one, two and three in the world. Their Sunday afternoon competition (5:20 pm) promises to be the sporting highlight of title fights. However, Robert Harting is already busy with dramaturgy on Saturday.

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