Rumors of mobile phones on Microsoft: Does the band work on its own Android phone?


Unsurprisingly, under the leadership of Satya Nadella, Microsoft has therefore focused more on cooperation to get people to use their services. A plan that seems to work well so far

In addition, another recent rumor of Microsoft may be well-linked to the so-called Microsoft phones: Fugitive, internal documents indicate that the group is currently on a surface phone it works "blurring the boundaries between the PC and the mobile device."

In the end, the question must be asked, was such an approach from Microsoft really worth it for the Group? Given the disappointments of Lumia and Windows Phone and the continued success of Microsoft applications in other operating systems, a restart in the smartphone market by Microsoft seems rather unlikely.

Since the history of the alleged chat as a solid evidence too weak is – cat stories of this kind are very easy to make seem – are the Windows phones with Android OS currently (probably) more reverie than likely.

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