Saki Stimoniaris praises Daniel Bierofka at TSV 1860 Munich and promises money to Hasan Ismaik


Saki Stimoniaris represents the investor side of the supervisory board.

© Christina Pahnke / sampics / sampics

The lions look forward to the first year of the third league. Saki Stimoniaris thought a few steps further. Hasan Ismaik's confidante even talks about the Bundesliga.

Munich – In a week, the lions start in the first season of the club's history. For too long, but does not want to stay in the league economically less lucrative. This is also emphasized by Saki Stimoniaris. The investor confidant Hasan Ismaik mainly relies on the coach Daniel Bierofka, as he emphasized in the interview : "I hang on and I say: the lions will play with him one day in the Bundesliga.

But this is not just the ex-professional who makes the council happy. Then Karl-Christian Bay "my contact." An outstanding financial expert. "And in addition to Bierofka sports director finally Günther Gorenzel" the reason why Mr. Ismaik makes money in the form of dividend certificates available. " number remains for Stimoniaris but blond with full beard: "Bierofka is that bigger capital that we have.We invest in that.Bierofka carries the lion in the heart.It will never leave if conditions are good."

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"Do everything possible to avoid bankruptcy"

The Ismaik camp wants to be in charge of it. Therefore, Stimoniaris promises in the image in view of Black Friday with the denial of license for the 3rd league almost 14 months ago: "Every lion can be sure: A day like the end of 2017 does not will never again mean that "if the money is needed, it will be provided by the billion dollar investor." Stimoniaris badures: "I want it to be very clear: we will do everything we can to avoid insolvency. Nobody wants it to be good with 1860. "As a reminder, no season has pbaded without a third division having to declare bankruptcy, and in 2017/2018 it is the case of the relegated teams Rot-Weiss Erfurt and Chemnitzer FC.

According to the 47-year-old man, no one at the Grünwalder Straße should fear such existential fears.For Stimoniaris, who, in his words, no longer has any interest in them. new presidential positions to be filled in 2019, the current team is in any case "qualitatively able to obtain a good ranking, without problems of relegation." And then he even lets fans dream of more: "Raises you, Mr. Ismaik will certainly fulfill all wishes again. "

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Auf Saki Stimoniaris (2nd from the right): The trio Daniel Bierofka, the investor Hasan Ismaik and the di sports rector Günther Gorenzel (from the left) should lead the lions to the second league at least

© fkn

catastrophic "

The investor did it there are already two years. At that time, the climb was the declared goal, but the disputed blue rustled with the elevator in the other direction – down in the Regionalliga. Stimoniaris also shocked Stimoniaris: "Of course, these figures from the relegation season are catastrophic, but one must also know: that's Hasan Ismaik, the only risk

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Even for the new old house on the heights of Giesing, the Jordanian would probably make some notes.Stimoniaris reveals: "He would especially like to be able to build and rebuild the Grünwalder stadium so as to what it is in the second division. "It sounds again: the hope of leaving the 3rd league in the right direction as quickly as possible.


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