Schalke: Elgert says "emotional support" Özil – S04


Schalke: Elgert says Özil "emotional support" to

  The world champion and his sponsor: Norbert Elgert, coach of the under-19 Schalke (left) held a 2014 eulogy on Mesut Özil

The World Champion and his sponsor: Norbert Elgert (left), coach of the Under-19 Schalke, praised Mesut Özil in 2014.

Photo: Jörg Carstensen / dpa

Gelsenkirchen ..
Mesut Özil made a splash Sunday with a three-part statement that he posted on social networks. The 29-year-old is also waiting with Reinhard Grindel. Özil accuses the president of the DFB Discrimination and racism: "In his eyes, I'm German, if we win, and an immigrant, if we lose."

In addition to Grindel, the former Schalke buttoned professional but also sponsors of the DFB and even his old school, the Gesamtschule Berger Feld vor. He also announced his retirement from the German national team.

The cause of the conflict was the joint photo with Recep Tayip Erdogan, which was released on May 13, the day before the appointment of the World Cup provisional team. Özil was to see him with the Turkish president, he handed a jersey to the head of state. This had earned him a lot of criticism, also from the DFB.

Norbert Elgert had already given up the World Cup by refusing to take sides for or against Mesut Özil. He only said: "Mesut has Turkish roots and many Turkish parents, including Turkey.At the same time, he grew up in Germany and plays for the German national team.It is a very man proud, who would not run simply for Germany, if his heart did not beat for the country. "

After the biblical whirlwind of Özil on Sunday, the coach of the U19 Schalke, who keeps his team on the field.prepared new season, similar.The 61-year-old man deliberately refrains from giving a public evaluation about this.Most of the remarks he's read over the last few years hours are just too polemical and striking.Elgert points out that he met Mesut Özil thirteen years ago as a "very respectable man" and he still considers him as such today. "Problems and conflicts always happen when people do not communicate with each other. I know it from my own experience, "says Elgert and it is clear:" If Mesut needs me, then I will be there for him. He has my emotional support. "

It's Norbert Elgert who saw the world champion 13 years ago playing football in a small field and say: This talented young player has to play for Schalke in the future." It was remarkable that Mesut not only kept the ball close to his foot, but still kept his head up. "The native of Gelsenkirchen kicked for Rot-Weiss Essen, but attended the field of the versatile Berger School and has participated in the school project, where talented players train in the morning at Schalke. "Together we managed to convince Mesut and his father that Schalke is the next stage of his career," says Elgert. In the summer of 2006, Özil and Elgert together celebrated the German Youth Championship A. The Schalke beat Bayern Munich 2-1 and Mesut Özil was one of the most prominent players Ralf Fährmann was in goal, in defense of Benedikt Höwedes and midfielder Özil tirai t string. "Mesut was a real team player, for whom we were always more important than the ego," explains Elgert. "Retained, but also confident, he always knew exactly what he wanted."

After their youth in Schalke A youth, Mesut Özil joined the professional team. The playmaker played 30 Bundesliga matches for Schalke between August 2006 and December 2007, four times in the Royal Blues Champions League jersey. In 2007, he negotiated a new disagreement contract with management. He left Schalke in January 2008 and settled in Werder Bremen for a transfer fee of five million euros. Today, its market value is estimated at 45 million euros.

The link between Mesut Özil and Norbert Elgert has never been broken. When Özil received the Laureus Award in 2014, it was Norbert Elgert who awarded him the Charity Honor Award in Berlin. Özil recognized him in recognition of his high social commitment. With the action "Big Shoe", he made sure that much of his prize money for the world title in 2014 has benefited needy children in Brazil. In his eulogy, Elgert said: "Personally, I am very proud of Mesut because he is not only a very successful footballer, but also a person of good heart.He leaves deep traces of humanity and helpfulness on his successful path. "

Mesut Özil asked Norbert Elgert several times for advice. This did not change when he played in Bremen. Not even at the next Özil stop Real Madrid and Arsenal London. He knows which coach has paved the way for him in professional football. In his book "The magic of the game", Özil describes the common course with Elgert in detail and even compares his U19 coach with José Mourinho – who has twice won the Champions League and has been crowned coach of the World Cup four times . "Elgert was the absolute key coach of my career," reads in the book

In 2013, Mesut Özil invited Norbert Elgert and his wife Cornelia to the finals of the Spanish Cup, at the Real Madrid. As a gesture, as a thank you. "We met a young man who had personally been enormously developed, a sovereign, but also with a certain humility and a certain down-to-earth", explains Elgert

Mesut Özil invited the Elger to a match in London When another Schalke and Elgert alumnus joined Arsenal last summer with Sead Kolasinac, they both sent a joint invitation, which was not the same as last season, the new one should work [19659017]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function ()
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