Shuhei Yoshida of Sony speaks over 25 years Playstation


For 25 years, Sony has written a hit story with the Playstation brand, but according to Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, almost no one believed it beginning. In addition, the company had to overcome many obstacles. Now the Playstation 4 works well and Sony does not forget why we reached this point.

In early 1993, Sony collaborated with Ken Kutaragi on a new gaming console. This should be as powerful as a Silicon Graphics workstation of $ 100,000 but cost less than $ 500. Shuhei Yoshida did not believe it, but trusted the brilliant Ken Kutaragi – the Playstation was born. Today, the president of Sony Worldwide Studios is looking at the last 25 years that have shaped the Playstation brand.

Sony's Shuhei Yoshida Remembers 25 Years Playstation

The success of the console was aided by the two major development studios among others. Square and Enix have moved their big and hugely successful RPG series Final Fantasy and Nintendo's Dragon Quest to the Sony console. When technical problems with the Playstation became noticeable, it was clear that a successor console was needed. With such a transition to a new generation, Sony did not know it yet. But success came quickly – but not because of the line of play, because it was the launch of the console in Japan rather mau. Instead, DVDs were the determining factor. Because the Playstation 2 was a game console and a DVD player in one. The best-selling "software" for launching the console was the DVD for the Matrix movie.

The Playstation 3 posed some challenges to Sony. Because it was difficult to develop games for the new console. This should change then with the PS4 again. However, the market had changed significantly in the meantime and Microsoft and Nintendo had become serious competitors. Now, the company is facing another transition to the next generation. According to Shuhei Yoshida, you want to learn from all the mistakes you have made over the years. According to him, the Playstation 4 (now available for € 275.99) is going so well, but Sony will not forget why it has reached this stage where the company is now.

Shuhei Yoshida also briefly discusses the criticisms Sony is currently facing because of inter-game discussions about the Fortnite online shooter. He understands the players and promises that the company will solve this problem. According to him, the problem is not only about games, we must find a solution with which all parties are satisfied. And unfortunately it does not happen overnight

Source: Eurogamer

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