Smart Speaker: Google Home Max is now listed on the German Google Store – early Germany?



Google's smart speakers are also very popular in Germany, with the original Home as well as the Google Home Mini currently available for purchase in Germany and, more recently, Austria. It is possible that the Google Home Max introduced last fall will be available for purchase in the coming days. As of this morning, the device is already listed on the Google Store.

Google will likely continue to expand the range of its home later this year and align with Amazon's wide selection of echo devices. Last year came to Google Home 2016 introduced the miniature version of Google Home Mini and the wide version of Google Home Max. The latter is primarily a loudspeaker with a smart speaker, while the other smart speakers have speakers.

  google home max "width =" 810 "height =" 456 "clbad =" align file size wp-image-65289 "srcset =" google -home-max-1.jpg 810w, 300w, wp -content / uploads / google-home-max-1-768x432.jpg 768w, 640w, https: / / 800w "sizes =" (maximum width: 810px) 100vw, 810px

Never talked about Google Home Max will also be available in Germany and other European countries, but this could change in due course. Since this morning, Google Home Max is listed in the German Google Store and appears with both the description and the image on the home page. However, a click on the product returns to the start page – the list is not yet unlocked.

Whether it's an error or just the start button a day (?) Pressed too early, remains to be seen. The speaker may have been added to the system and will not be released until later. But for me, it's a clear indication that the speaker will be available soon in this country. In Austria and Switzerland, the speaker is not yet listed.

It's far from the first bug that reveals Google's possible hardware strategy: just a few weeks ago, tablets disappeared from the Android home page.

See also
»Spotify Sound Quality Test: Sonos One and Google Home Max Beat Apple HomePod (Video)
» All the articles related to Google Home Max

[Caschys Blog]

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