St. Pauli director Ewald Lienen attacks the DFB and Jogi Löw – season 2017/18


Germany discusses the catastrophe of the World Cup. We count ruthlessly. Ewald Lienen (64) honestly badyzed honestly at Sky Talk in Hamburg

Pauli's Technical Director: "The arrogance displayed by the DFB, Joachim Loew and the team – I was ashamed of the They do not deserve better. "

And:" It's disastrous where we are. "Not only were we hoping to retire at the preliminary round, but I even hoped for it. Overall art work was pathetic. "

Lienen accuses" falling into arrogance "after the 2014 World Championship title. He criticizes the numerous bankruptcies of German clubs in the World Cup. Europe: "The Bundesliga has done nothing internationally."

And go in search of causes. A major problem in his opinion, the ambitions of the coach changed – own career instead of player development. "It's about becoming a Bundesliga coach at the age of 30. The individuality of the players is left behind."

He explains: "Here the U15 coaches must ensure that They do not dismount, which is why they engage the big players, but in the end, they may not have the talent. "

Lienen compares the situation in Germany with d & # 39; Other countries: "We have as many footballers as Croatia and the people of Uruguay, but we are not able to produce world clbad players."

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Photo: Getty Images / Joern Pollex for Sk

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Ewald Lienen (left) was in great shape at the second Sky conference Photo: Getty Images / Joern Pollex for Sk

Do young coaches from professional clubs think too much about their own career?

Lienen: "It's disastrous what we do.The best youth coaches are the ones who have been doing the same for over 15 years.As Elgert to Schalke.He released all world-clbad players like Özil , Neuer and Sané. "

The contrast – professional coach Schalke Domenico Tedesco (32). Lienen: "I like Domenico well." But – after half a year in the second league is the coach of the Bundesliga, and then he let play like Mourinho, with eight men in front of his own penalty area. Is the death of football. "

More than just words from Lienen. And – with many points, he is certainly right …

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