The Bards Tale 4 – Developer Video for Character Creation in the Dungeon Crawler


Friday, July 13, 2018 at 12:03 pm

The Bard's Tale 4 received a release date. Role playing by inXile will be published on 18. September 2018 for PC. A version for Xbox One and PS4 will also be released later this year

The trailer shows the creation of the character in Bard's Tale 4 . The player can choose from the typical archetypes of the RPG. In addition, one chooses which race, in this case the culture, belongs to the character of the game and which portrait and which voice the hero must wear. In the end, you decide on a number of initial skills, before entering the dungeon.

As Dungeon Crawler The Bard's Tale 4 is based on long-acting role-playing games and sends the player person into the dark vault to fight against evil creatures. Battles take place in real time, but should provide enough time for tactical considerations.

Here you can read our preview of The Bard's Tale 4.

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